Been a while since I've been on this board. Stopping by to spread some hope to folks that are in the thick of it.
Been 2.5 ish years since any contact. In that time, wow, the amount of change that has happened, and it's all been positive all the way round.
Weight is coming off. I sleep and wake up rested and ready to take on the day. Blood pressure has dropped to where it's normal for me. I have found peace and enjoy the days now.
I'm still doing my work on getting myself straight. For those who are in the thick of it, keep pushing, remember that your mind will lie to you, the emotions will change even though it doesn't feel like it right now. My life is so much better on this side of it that I find it hard to express how frickin wonderful it is.
Wishing all here, all the best.
Keep on keeping on. We need more stories like yours my friend.
Cheers and Best Wishes!