Hey CC43...you always know the right things to say. I appreciate your advice more than you know.
She actually, in her anger I think, has accomplished some important steps. She has not returned to therapy but it's there if she chooses to. I actually think the non-contact was hard on her (and me) but good too -- also for both of us.
I still worry, but I also know I can't rescue her and expect her to learn how to be a resourceful, healthy adult. Relationships are two way streets and I was giving her a break on her behavior of me and others. That's not to say I won't still be there for her, but perhaps I need to let her succeed or fail on her own with no safety net sometimes but, be there to help her pick up the pieces, learn, and move forward when she hits an emotional splitting patch and of course, I'll watch for the danger signs.
We are far from through this new phase and she still isn't fully speaking to me (we work together so it's somewhat unavoidable for her), but ...you know...that's ok.
It's ok. (my new mantra?)
In the meantime, I have some work to do on my own broken spirit from the past 2 or 3 years of this rollercoaster I'm on.
Thank you again.

It is so comforting to have a tribe of people that understand.