Decent at first... .then stunningly well. Monday morning was worse than average as she went off to work... .
I gathered kids and gave her "breakfast in bed".  :)9 corrected that is was "breakfast in couch". My wife was visibly agitated over that... .but it seemed she made a choice not to engage it.
Lots of snuggling on the couch... .she enjoyed the biscuits. Even in her pissy mood she had to acknowledge the card was the best one ever.
It was a "singing card" with a motorized spinning dog inside. Looks and acts exactly like our little 5lb dog. My wife loves that little dog like nothing else... .everybody in the family gets it... .
So... lots of anxiety from my wife about getting a seat in church because "all the mom's will be there". We ended up leaving late... she was very agitated again but seemed to be trying to control it (good on her... )
The spike the ball moment came as we were about to enter the sanctuary (which was a relative ghost town)... .the countdown to service starting was at 15 seconds and counting down.
My wife realized that our oldest S21 was standing there with flowers. He had driven in the night before from college and surprised her. "Everyone" saw the hug and got the surprise... . Pastor patted me and S21 on the back... .gave us a "nice work... .

Several kids skipped Sunday school (after the service) to come home and prep for the cook out. Wife and I took S21 to sunday school with us for "show and tell" (it was his first trip to the class). One of the pastors that had seen the "scene" with flowers earlier made a big deal about it in class... .a collective "awwwww" from the rest of Sunday school.
I rolled with it even though I knew in back of my head that a really "high" place will come crashing down.
Cookout and family time was top notch for rest of the day. My wife spent lots of time with kids... .very carefree day.
This morning she seemed agitated getting ready to go to work. My asking about status of her lunch was triggering... .I normally make it for her, it appeared she made it the day before. I asked if she would like me to put together anything else for her lunch and she was emphatic in pointing out it was already done.
She did ask me to bring it up to the foyer for her. I said ok... .she repeated her request a few more times. I replied once more that "I'll have it up there in a few minutes"
Then during her drive to work there was an above average number of text bombs for a Monday morning.
I offered to discuss in person... .she didn't respond to the offer but kept text bombing. I didn't further engage.
My "personal" mother's day card to her is still on her pillow... .apparently unopened. She spent last night sleeping alone on the couch... again.
Anway... .I enjoyed it. She seemed to enjoy mothers day. As I expected... .after a "really good day" there was a "bigger" than normal "bad" thing (textbombing) soon after.
My strategy for calmness in the house is to drive all of my decisions and actions towards neutrality. When she blows up I try to disengage quickly and offer to deal with the issue later (there is rarely a later).