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Author Topic: Borderline Wife - My Story  (Read 394 times)

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Posts: 3

« on: July 31, 2017, 08:27:46 PM »

Hey there everyone.

I Found this forum a while ago, I have been lurking and reading various posts etc and have found some of the advice very helpful at various times. I have just decided to create a profile and tell my Story. The reson for telling me story, honestly, i don't know, i have no friends or family i can discuss things with so i think probably I just need to get it out there and off my chest. Please feel free to comment and advise. I live in the UK, im telling you this incase it is relevant to any info provided.

Im at the end of my tether, I feel like I'm cracking and that i am on the edge of huge turning point in my life. I shall start at the beginning and I will be 100% honest. I met my wife 12 years ago and we have currently been married for 7 of those years. I was in an unappy and loveless relationship with the mother of my first 2 children who where 3 and 7 when i met my wife, the spark was instant and the chemistry we felt was unavoidable, im not proud but an intense affair started that culminated with me leaving my partner for my now wife. We got a place together along with her 2 children who where 5 and 6 and my my 2 children came to us for half the week. I felt like i was the luckiest man alive.

Life was good, really good. Our children got on great and we became a strong happy family. During the 1st cpl of years my wife and i learnt everything about each other, we held nothing back, the sex was hot and steamy and adventurous and soo intense. That was nothing compared to the talking though, hours and hours of it, we left no stone unturned. I discovered my wife was abandoned by her father at 6 along with her 2 younger siblings and left in the care of an emotionally abusive mother (in a side note, the mother, if diagnosed would be considered borderline). I won't go in to details but her childhood was hell, followed by bullying at high school and a series of emotionally and physically abusive relationships in her late teens and early 20's. The where a couple of suicide attempts during the teen years and she tried various counseling and antidepressants to no success. She has told me many times the only thing that kept her going once she got to 18/19 was her 2 children. She was also a major self harmer. By the time we met it seemed she had things under control. She was taking antidepressants, but there had been no "borderline" diagnosis at this point.

Im an only child and i was bought up by a good mother and granparents, no father. I was tought to work hard, respect people and be kind, im not saying i dont have my faults and I've led a sin free life but i do treat people, especially those i care about with love and respect. After learning all i learnt about my new lady (and there was a lot) i vowed I would take care of this woman, treat her like a queen and end the misery she had experienced so far in her life, so I did and as i said above life was good, she even felt she no longer needed her antidepressants, she told me I was everything to her, her love for me was very intense and at times overwhelming, there was constant text messages of love whilst i worked, i gradually replaced all my friends with her.

After a cpl of years I started noticing cracks in her, dark stages, moments of intense sadness from nowhere, not all the time just now and then. After a minor health scare, major depression took hold, months of it, sleeping all the time, neglecting certain needs of the children etc. I tried riding it out as I thought that would be best, she became parnoid when I worked and the messages of love stopped and became more questioning and acussing, i tried calming her and reassuring her but to no luck, in the end i had to confront her. This was my first taste of her anger, it was very intense, like no build up to it, she went mad screaming at me that I didn't understand her life and how can anyone after all she has been thru, i was called names and she was very verbally abusive towards me, when i tried to leave the house to calm things down she cut her self and ended up having to go to hospital for treatment. When she returned home she was calm and apologetic, she went back to doctor and was put  back on antidepressants and offered councilling (she refuses any councilling due to bad experiences when younger). After a couple months things returned to normal again.

Life was going good again, and we had baby, it seemed to complete our family, i watched my wife and there was no anti natal depression. We had arguments at times and I knew she had anger and it cld be intense at times, i learnt not to push her buttons and she did managed to control it at times. Again im not perfect and as much as tried to not have my buttons pushed i did at times bite and said some horrible things back, I'm not proud of these moments but generally I was supportive of her, she has said this herself many times before. We got married and life progressed well, sure we had the same life to life crap that everyone has but generally life was ok. We had been together 7 years by this point, married for 2 of them when everything really changed, life all of sudden became hard for her, she was angry all the time, me and the kids where constantly doing something to her, family members became unsupportive etc etc. It seemed every aspect of her life made her miserable and angry.

For approx the next 2 years she flitted in and out of these stages, some lasting a day some a cpl of months, things got smashed up, stuff we had for years. Everybody in the house fell victim at somepoint to her rages and sporadic mood swings, one moment we was adored the next demonized, me in particular, i became the devil reincarnated. It was so confusing, it was like the same intensity she used to love me she was now being used in the complete opposite. She became positively vile towards me at times, some of the things she said to me i can't even repeat. There was a couple of times she hit me around the head. She put me in impossible situations, she made me agree to ridiculous things and had me apologising so much for things I hadn't even done. I couldn't believe someone would say and do these things to someone they claimed to love more than anything. Then She cheated on me, with someone we both knew, according to her not the full act but I did find evidence that she at least planned to do more, to this day I still suspect there is more to it than she finally confessed to, i confronted her and of course this was somehow twisted in to being my fault. I had supported her through everything and i couldn't believe what she did, i told her I was leaving, she broke, we talked and she said she needed help again, she confessed that she had been self harming and i saw the evidence of it, the thought of leaving her like that and leaving my kids broke my heart and I stayed. How can you leave someone who is sick, besides i do love her still very much. I did and still do feel great pity for her, when she calms down, she hates what she does and what she says to me when she has turned, the remorse she shows is one of the reasons I've stuck through it all for so long.

She was again prescribed another antidepressant and she again refused councilling, she asked her GP if she could be seen by a specialist mental health department but was told to try new pills again, we both explained the severity of it and the years of battles my wife has had but was told to try them and come back if things don't get better. It was again the plaster my wife needed and for 6 months things got better, but it didn't last, the abuse started again and now it was taking a toll on me, I noticed I had changed, i no longer smiled or found much joy with anything in the house, i was on constant egg shells for the next explosion, i cut myself of from friends and family, my mind was so occupied with my wife and how i can make her happy and love and respect me again, if I tried to tell her how I felt she belittled me and accused me of being a woman. On the rare occasions we got frisky I couldn't "rise" to the occasion. I felt i couldn't make her happy but abandoning her was not the answer. After one argument where she smashed most of our kitchen stuff up she agreed to go to the doctor's again and finally managed to get referred to a mental health unit.

It was here about 3 years ago she was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, she was given 2 different medications and was finally talked in to behaviour and talk therapy, we left there finally feeling like someone had listened, we both, her especially felt a huge relief. Knowing what she had meant we could both find ways of coping with it. Unfortunately that was not the case, it has been a constant battle since then and things are just getting worse. One of the pills helped a bit with the psychoticness but she couldn't take the other one as the sedative part of it messed with her to much and she ended up refusing the councilling again, she got better for a month or 2 and then back again. The past 6 months have been hell, worse than ever, she is self harming everyday, she has been mentally and physically abusive towards me alot of the time, there is no respect whatsoever, our relationship is pretty much non existent, she has no interest in anything i say or do, she shares nothing of her feelings or emotions with me at all, if i try and ignore it i end up getting accused of not caring or understanding and her screaming at me, if i try engaging her or trying to talk it ends up her screaming at me and charging towards, embarrassingly I find myself cowering away incase she lashes out. One moment she is in to the kids the next she isn't, she is isnt horrible to them, but has no patience at all and doesnt want to do anything with any of them, the youngest one is very confused.

About 2 months ago after one particular bad week where i was hit, pushed and verbally abused, some of this infront of the kids, i really thought that leaving would be best for everyone, at least the kids wont keep hearing everything, I packed my stuff, when i went to her to tell her she broke and begged me to stay, she said that she will do anything to change, again I cldnt leave her. I would feel so guilty leaving a sick woman and leaving my kids there with her, and yes surprisingly i still love her. She managed one day and then back to normal. We went back to the mental health unit the other week where i laid it all out to them completely, what she has been doing and saying, the medication and councilling etc, a new care plan was put in place but no medication change or dosage upped for the moment. Since then she has point blank told me she will not be doing the councilling as she has no faith whatsoever in it and it wont help, all she says she is on her own and that she will deal with it. We have not had a proper conversation now in 11 days, we have not touched, kissed or anything. She is angry all the time and constantly sounding off.

I no longer know what I can do to help her, it feels like she is not gonna help herself and I'm just expected to put up with it because we are married. Obviously long term exposure to someone like this will cause mental issues of my own but Ive also read that partners of people with "Borderline" usually end up physically ill long before they normally would be, due to the stress i assume, these factors are in my mind when deciding what to do with my future.

Sorry for length of the post, hope it hasn't bored you, it is hard condensing 12 years down, believe me I have left alot out. Like I said above feel free to comment or ask anything you want. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Gender: Male
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Relationship status: was married - 15 yrs
Posts: 911

« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2017, 10:10:00 PM »

I apologise, I havn't read your whole post. But the first thing that screamed to me was: you need to find someone 'real' to talk to. A friend, a counsellor, someone from church... .Dealing with this kind of marriage is extremely difficult. And most people won't understand. Talking on these boards is great and really does help, but you also need someone real.

What is the UK health system like? Are there avenues for you to find a counsellor? You may also be able to find a local BPD or mental health carers support group... .

Your journey, your direction. Be the captain!
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Gender: Male
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Relationship status: Living apart
Posts: 2790

« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2017, 04:04:51 AM »

WOW UKHusband, I feel your pain. I too live in the UK and grew up in a home where I think it's safe to say, we didn't "get" mental illness. Although my wife is not diagnosed with BPD as yours is and you clearly have a different set of problems, I have found that educating myself as much as possible means that I can now hopefully not make things worse... .which is a starting point. There is a network of therapists out there which specialise in BPD and you could do well to get in touch with one of them to work through some individual skills to improve yours and your children's lives. Having experienced the disasters of marriage counselling Relate and independent (since you have different realities it just ends up being a blamefest) and my current T seems to be just a sounding wall for me because he has no BPD specific training. You have the diagnosis though and maybe you could get a referral to a BPD specialist for family therapy from your GP.

I can very much empathise with your disappointment at not being able to make your princess happy. It's all I/you've ever wanted to do. Every day you just want to see them happy with life, happy with you... .content. No matter what you do, how you try and remold yourself into the man she appears to want, it's never enough. It's not you buddy... .it's not you. Stay strong though, there is hope.


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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Posts: 3

« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2017, 02:16:32 PM »

I apologise, I havn't read your whole post. But the first thing that screamed to me was: you need to find someone 'real' to talk to. A friend, a counsellor, someone from church... .Dealing with this kind of marriage is extremely difficult. And most people won't understand. Talking on these boards is great and really does help, but you also need someone real.

What is the UK health system like? Are there avenues for you to find a counsellor? You may also be able to find a local BPD or mental health carers support group... .

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I agree and would love to find some to talk to, unfortunately friends I don't really have and anybody close enough to being a friend knows my wife very well and i could not trust them to be loyal to me.

The UK system is not great, it seems a lottery, some people are luckamd get good service others are pretty bad. I went to my GP a few years back and explained my situation etc and was offered anti depressants and counselling, i accepted the councilling and when my wife found out I was going to attend I had it ripped out of me and made to feel so bad about it i never did go.

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Posts: 9

« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2017, 04:05:09 PM »

... .and then there were three!  Hi there fellow UK dwellers and husbands struggling with spouses struggling with BPD.
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