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Before you can make things better, you have to stop making them worse... Have you considered that being critical, judgmental, or invalidating toward the other parent, no matter what she or he just did will only make matters worse? Someone has to be do something. This means finding the motivation to stop making things worse, learning how to interrupt your own negative responses, body language, facial expressions, voice tone, and learning how to inhibit your urges to do things that you later realize are contributing to the tensions.
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Author Topic: Eye opening  (Read 416 times)

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 19

« on: September 15, 2017, 07:53:02 PM »

I don't know exactly where to start so here it goes.
I found this site yesterday during my many hours of googling and research over the last couple months trying to understand what I have and am going through.

- After reading many of the stories of former spouses of a BPD woman, it is very clear I was in love with one for over 7 years. I personally have GAD and alot of issues from my past that cause me to be a sucker for punishment as long as the other person "loves me". She very much knows how to play the women in distress that needs saving, and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I avoided many red flags, because I just wanted to be loved and appreciated... and to be "good enough"

I had to live through many of the same things I have seen here; such as justifying every single female friendship I had, being accused of no good if I was late from work or took too long to reply to messages. I learned to take photos if I was running late so I didnt have to face the guilt trip of being accused of something that wasn't even on my mind (cheating)

My ex tried to alienate me from friends, left me over 5 times, made me work to get her back and would never admit any wrong doing, I "deserved it".

I was tricked into getting her pregnant within a month of meeting her, when she told me she couldnt get pregnant (she later denied this, even though it was a whole thing where she cried and said she was afraid she could never give me the baby i wanted).

If i dared wear my contacts or put on body spray, I was accused of trying to look or smell good for someone else.

If i went to see friends, it would later be used as proof I did not care for her and abandoned her needs.

I would be encouraged to take risks, like taking on a new commission based job "i am so proud of you"  when the owner stopped caring and shut the place down it was "I knew you shouldnt have taken the job but you wanted to do what you wanted to do"

- She snooped my phone and facebook accounts, using any small crumb she could as proof that i was disloyal... which I was not... ever.

- I was always told I was crazy and needed to change my medication or up my doses.

- Nothing was ever her fault. it was either my perception being wrong, or completely justified because of whatever reason she found.

-When we broke up, it was always because of me, not her, and I was a bad person. Then she would take me back like it was nothing and there was no discussion on what happened so we could fix it.

 There is much more, but my laptop wants to restart, so I will cut it off.

I want to thank many of you and this board, because until last night I was in despair. feeling like I lost my soulmate, and was so bad she could replace me in days. Now I see the woman I loved was an image and she was the one who was broken in ways... .not me. Thank you all and I look forward to talking more with you.


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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 17

« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2017, 10:46:47 PM »

Yep, that sounds pretty familiar. I was actually going through a divorce when I met my ex and so you can only imagine how much of that was amplified by the fact that there was another woman in my life (mother of my two daughters no less).

I often had to sneak around to talk to my ex about our daughters (my oldest is a Type 1 diabetic so extra communication involved there). I was constantly guilt tripped and made to feel like dogsh*t about a whole host of issues. The jealousy was extreme although she was a sneaky liar who maintained a dating profile until I discovered it and confronted her. Oh, it was an old account. Oh really? How did recent pictures get uploaded? They were uploaded automatically? lmao. She maintained lie after lie when confronted. It was actually quite impressive - her commitment to maintaining obvious fabrications.

And at no point did I ever get sincere, honest apologies for anything. EVER. Those are the rules with the BPD set. My favorite was how she managed to find a way to ruin every single experience that should have been fun, lighthearted and enjoyable. Out of a total of seven trips in 15 months, she ruined all but one and that was because the first one was still in the idealization phase. It never failed. Take a trip to Vegas, NYC or Cancun? Some kind of sulky, low-intensity anger had to follow. It was like she simply couldn't content herself with peace and tranquility.

And yes, she was a phantom. A figment of YOUR imagination. We all know this hurts, but most likely you were filling a role - one that she will continually attempt to fill until she is completely broken, and unfortunately, has broken the spirit and hearts of many more men. In the end, you just exited the ride a little earlier or later than others but that's not your concern now. The next guy and the guy after that will all be her "soul mates" until the make the fatal mistake of calling her out on her deplorable behavior then it's rage time and they'll finally see the mask slip. At that point, it's all downhill. She'll see the beginning of the end and go into full devaluation mode and the relationship ending is a foregone conclusion depending on how much torture the next guy can endure.

There are plenty of well adjusted fish in the sea. When you're ready and have your own sh*t together, they will appear as they often do when mentally healthy people least expect it. At that point, you'll attract someone at your own water mark. You'll be fine, friend. Remember to fight the urge to re-connect as you and I both know where it will end up: a temporary reprieve from the pain and loneliness only to find that she'll merely double down and make you that much more miserable. Hang in there and let us know how you're doing!
Harley Quinn
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Gender: Female
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 2839

I am exactly where I need to be, right now.

« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2017, 07:45:19 AM »

Welcome Ironman85! 

I'm glad you came across the site.  This is where you can find help in understanding more about your relationship and the behaviours you've encountered, whilst hearing others' stories and knowing you're not alone.  The end of a BPD r/s is a very emotionally charged and often confusing time and we can help you through.  How long is it since you split up and how did that transpire?  Tell us more about the history when you are ready.

The articles and lessons here are grounded in fact so you can rely on them for good information and guidance.  You'll find some great ones to start with to the right of the board here.  I'd suggest you begin with learning all you can about BPD and one article I'd like to highlight explains how a BPD r/s evolves.  We cannot diagnose here, but from what you describe I certainly hear traits.  This article may help you to identify similarities in your r/s and understand how and why things played out as they did.  It helped me a lot.  Here's the link:


Are there any parts of this article that particularly ring true to you?

Love and light x

We are stars wrapped in skin.  The light you are looking for has always been within.
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Gender: Male
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Relationship status: Single, 4 months
Posts: 69

« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2017, 08:24:13 AM »

Welcome Ironman85!

Sad to hear you are finding yourself in this really difficult situation. I can assure you this board will provide you with some good stories that will be a heaven of recognition for you. This is my third day on this board and every time I start to feel really bad I just start reading the stories on this board here. It helps! I'm interested in hearing more.

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 19

« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2017, 08:27:18 PM »

Welcome Ironman85! 

I'm glad you came across the site.  This is where you can find help in understanding more about your relationship and the behaviours you've encountered, whilst hearing others' stories and knowing you're not alone.  The end of a BPD r/s is a very emotionally charged and often confusing time and we can help you through.  How long is it since you split up and how did that transpire?  Tell us more about the history when you are ready.

The articles and lessons here are grounded in fact so you can rely on them for good information and guidance.  You'll find some great ones to start with to the right of the board here.  I'd suggest you begin with learning all you can about BPD and one article I'd like to highlight explains how a BPD r/s evolves.  We cannot diagnose here, but from what you describe I certainly hear traits.  This article may help you to identify similarities in your r/s and understand how and why things played out as they did.  It helped me a lot.  Here's the link:


Are there any parts of this article that particularly ring true to you?

Love and light x

Sure, I am an open book.

In may of this year, after her not working for 21 months (10 of which there was no maternity money coming in at all) I insisted it was time she get to work to help get us out of the mountains of debt, catch up on past due bills and save for a home for our family (4 kids total).

Things seemed ok, until mid June when she got upset at me for pointing out we were short of money (she had just told me a bunch of items she HAD to buy for her mom and myself the next day. This wasnt much of an argument because I avoid conflict at all costs which is a self preservation tactic). I thought We had moved on past this, she was even asking me about other rentals we could look into for the family with her new income and discussed what our options were.

Now I will point out the telltale signs I learned to notice through our last couple break ups that started around this time. She would ask about getting a dog, which she knew we have no space for and I really am not interested in taking on more responsibility (as I was doing 90% of the "Adulting" for us. i.e making kids supper, cleaning (was criticized for a poor job), taking kids to sports, laundry etc... .literally all she had to do was take them to school while i worked, and sit on the couch with the baby all day. She started wearing perfume and caking on makeup (I dont mind this, but again she would put no effort into looks unless planning to leave me, so it was always a red flag something was up) and posting selfies of herself (she would maintain she had no self esteem when we were "happy" and therefore these were out of character for her.) She further spent 70 bucks we didnt have on a new push up bra, and 150 on new glasses... .220$ of 300$ we had to survive on till the next pay.

I moved along and kept on track, as again, I love... loved her and just didn't want her to leave me, and this is what she wanted, that is fine.

Starting around late June, I stayed home one day... .I was hungover... .and now that she was working I could finally take a sick day (we both knew and agreed I would eventually need to take time off as I have severe Anxiety about money and providing for my family and I had been burning myself out over the last couple years making money exist and sustaining our home, ontop of all the things I was doing to avoid breaking up, learned from each last breakup). When i went downstairs she said she had a migraine (never had them unless she had a reason to claim so ie : no sex tonight, dont want to help shop etc) so she went to bed for about 6 hours. From that point out she used the excuse her "sleep schedule was off" and avoided bed... (more on this later). This sleep schedule issue kept being used as an excuse for another 2 weeks, while I slept upstairs alone. but i thought little of it, as again, I didn't want to rock the boat.

July 1st was another visit to her mothers, which I attended, she started getting increasingly cold and distant... .making comments like "you dont have to come, youll just ruin the fun" (I used to be a buzzkill before i was medicated for my anxiety, but the last 2 years I was much more easygoing and would often be applauded by her family for how much I had changed for the better with my nervousness and unease). She spent the entire Canada Day avoiding me, while playing on her phone, while i cared for our baby all day with no help whatsoever and barely any acknowledgement.

When we returned she isolated herself away from me more and more, choosing to avoid me at all costs, but still playing the part (i.e kisses, and saying I love you) etc. Finally things came to blows when around july 12th or so... .I finally called her out for avoiding me and ignoring my attempts to go on a date, spend time together.
 This caused her to storm out of the room and send me hateful texts about things I had done wrong and ways I was a terrible husband and father.

4 days later she informed me shes moving out at the end of the month and I wouldn't get help paying that months bills, as she needed it for a new place. This backfired when she learned she couldn't get electricity without a deposit (I was the only one with credit left because she had defaulted on every utility, cellphone, student loan she had acquired before meeting me). So she went "sweet" in personality, and we discussed her waiting to move till september, so we could both save up money for the transition... .she went to see a place a block away, leaving the house in good spirits, and came back, informed me i was a piece of s***and she was moving to another place across town in 2 weeks to get away from me.  She paid me her portion of the bills for July, but placed blame on me for the fact that we were behind on bills (part true, but again, she was generating no income for 10 months and it was adding up)

July 27th she moved out, I helped move some items, never got a thanks or any gratitude.

Now heres where some of the previous information starts to add up;

Within 2 weeks she already moved in her next target, who she convinced to move from across the country away from his friends and family (like a 4 day drive across country).Where he lived is 3 hours behind in time, so I learned she was staying up late to talk to him, no doubt priming him with stories about how her big mean husband was a jerk making her work or whatever falsehoods she depended on (usually taking things she controlled me with, but changing who the victim was of this control). She secured him a job and had everything lined up. So its clear there was a reason she would snap out of nowhere that she needed to move "NOW" even though we were amicable (I was somewhat relieved she left me, i felt a weight off me as I knew it was inevitable).

Before I learned of this man, and after a couple weeks of her moving out, I attempted to make peace, inform her I was sorry for what I did wrong (Did i mention I have alot of rejection issues and will take all blame as long as someone "love me" This was met with comments about how I wasnt bad to her but i certainly never made her feel "special". All attempts at making peace with the past were met with hostility and blame games and anecdotes of how I failed her as a partner. I often remarked that I couldn't understand where she was coming with, I was never mean, never demeaning and supported her always and tried to show her love and attention, while balancing all the responsabilities here at home, but by then I was already  "Painted black"

I will stop there for now, I could go for hours and hours about things i learned and adapted to do to appease her, the 40 or so different instances of traits and habits i adopted to avoid her leaving me (whatever she claimed was an issue would be addressed, then a new issue would arise).

I am lucky, that part of her sham personality with this new "Mark" is that she doesnt want the children to be "his problem" so i have them more than half the time. But even then, as things become more inconvenient for her, her agreements for scheduled times and work schedule accommodations change.

If you have more questions I am open to answering, but I dont want to bore people with more and more information.

Thanks again, after almost 3 months of grieving my "soulmate" and feeling like I failed myself, her and my children... .I am starting to see there was very little, to nothing I could do to save our marriage... .and have alot of self discovery to do (I don't even know who I am anymore, because for so long I was changing to appease her).


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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 19

« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2017, 08:41:32 PM »

Yep, that sounds pretty familiar. I was actually going through a divorce when I met my ex and so you can only imagine how much of that was amplified by the fact that there was another woman in my life (mother of my two daughters no less).

I often had to sneak around to talk to my ex about our daughters (my oldest is a Type 1 diabetic so extra communication involved there). I was constantly guilt tripped and made to feel like dogsh*t about a whole host of issues. The jealousy was extreme although she was a sneaky liar who maintained a dating profile until I discovered it and confronted her. Oh, it was an old account. Oh really? How did recent pictures get uploaded? They were uploaded automatically? lmao. She maintained lie after lie when confronted. It was actually quite impressive - her commitment to maintaining obvious fabrications.

And at no point did I ever get sincere, honest apologies for anything. EVER. Those are the rules with the BPD set. My favorite was how she managed to find a way to ruin every single experience that should have been fun, lighthearted and enjoyable. Out of a total of seven trips in 15 months, she ruined all but one and that was because the first one was still in the idealization phase. It never failed. Take a trip to Vegas, NYC or Cancun? Some kind of sulky, low-intensity anger had to follow. It was like she simply couldn't content herself with peace and tranquility.

And yes, she was a phantom. A figment of YOUR imagination. We all know this hurts, but most likely you were filling a role - one that she will continually attempt to fill until she is completely broken, and unfortunately, has broken the spirit and hearts of many more men. In the end, you just exited the ride a little earlier or later than others but that's not your concern now. The next guy and the guy after that will all be her "soul mates" until the make the fatal mistake of calling her out on her deplorable behavior then it's rage time and they'll finally see the mask slip. At that point, it's all downhill. She'll see the beginning of the end and go into full devaluation mode and the relationship ending is a foregone conclusion depending on how much torture the next guy can endure.

There are plenty of well adjusted fish in the sea. When you're ready and have your own sh*t together, they will appear as they often do when mentally healthy people least expect it. At that point, you'll attract someone at your own water mark. You'll be fine, friend. Remember to fight the urge to re-connect as you and I both know where it will end up: a temporary reprieve from the pain and loneliness only to find that she'll merely double down and make you that much more miserable. Hang in there and let us know how you're doing!

Oh i know this, I have a daughter from a previous college fling, any interactions with that ex, or times I took her back to her moms, My newest ex would need to know what was talked about, and if i took longer than she expected... .well then i clearly loved my first kids mom (i didnt).

My bachelor party (consisting of my brother and myself playing playstation, was ruined because her and her friends wanted to get drunk and use the hottub in her parents poolhouse (where we were) and I was told to get over it, and demeaned for being in any way upset about having my party crowded buy their loudness and yelling.

I couldnt talk to any female she was threatened by, but it was ok for her to email her ex long distance boyfriend daily with details of our life)

I have no doubt I will find someone someday, sometimes it seems impossible, but with this relationships end, I have learned to be happy not having to be "on" for someone and for the first time in my life, I am content being alone for the time being haha.

I take a somewhat sick comfort when I am sad and lonely, that eventually I will adjust and find someone more stable, while she will continue this trend with many men until she no longer can get away with it... .my fear is that as her 2nd real relationship, and the only one that didnt abuse her (he really did, there are court files and he never denied it) that when things fail for her, she will try to go to the only stable relationship shes had (me)... .and I dont want to have her keep ruining me, and I want to be able to turn her away... .because even now, I know I wouldnt be strong enough.
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