Hi Chapin,
Welcome to the BPD Family
I'm glad you decided to jump in and post. It sounds like you are making some changes and your wife is having a hard time with that.
Below is a link to more on self respect and our sense of ourselves... .
https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=121173.0Can you give us an example of a situation where you have started standing up for yourself and what her reaction has been? We have tools we can share that can improve your interactions with your wife if we know a little bit more of the details.
Codependency is no stranger to me either I was married to an alcoholic for 20 years, I'm on this site because my significant other (SO) has and undiagnosed BPD ex-wife (uBPDxw), but in many ways my marriage had similarities to my SO's BPD marriage.
Below are links on codependency... .
https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=111772.0https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=95263.0I've inserted some links here that you might want to check out when you have time. I look forward to hearing more of your story.
Take Care,