Hi CookieMonster80,
Welcome to the Family!

Sorry to hear you are feeling insecure about your relationship. I have had relationships with people with BPD traits and people who did not have them and I can tell you this: there are no guarantees in relationships. All the hopes and dreams of forever may or may not happen, and that is okay.

But you can do a lot to improve your chances for a healthier relationship by studying the information on this site and doing your best on your side of the relationship. That alone is huge and can help you stay grounded whatever relationship storms may hit!

Have you seen the
Basic Tools and
Lessons to the right of the board yet?
https://bpdfamily.com/content/triggering-and-mindfulness-and-wise-mindhttps://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=56206.msg913187#msg913187I review various pieces of info. here on a daily basis, over and over, because I want these skills ingrained in me and for my behavior to be the best it can be and then the chips can fall where they do with my relationship.
Those are just my two cents... .I hope others will also share their thoughts.