Also, going back to one of your original questions, I think you're making a good decision NOT to disclose to your husband the suspected diagnosis of BPD. It's best to leave that to the therapist.
I will add, though: be prepared for the therapist to NOT diagnose BPD, especially to your husband, and particularly not right away.
Alright, I'll end with a couple quick questions: Are you also getting outside support (therapist, counselor, etc)? Are you taking care of yourself as you take care of the rest of your family? (Did you remember to put your own oxygen mask on before helping others?)
Thank you for mentioning the not telling him.
It’s been so crazy with him lately I am fighting the urge to throw all the books and research I have at him. Literally and figuratively
So the reminder adds to my resolve.

And the mention of probably not getting a diagnosis is appreciated. I’ve read that a lot in my research and also that he may get dropped by the therapist cause many don’t want to deal with BPD
I’m holding my breath until his assessment but your mention hit more than the reading I’ve done and have to reassess how to manage with him not fully in the know.
I do try to talk about a reaction or behaviour on its own with him and try to connect it to past behaviour with others so that hopefully he mentions patterns we have found to the therapist. I feel really sneaky doing this. I’m a pretty straight shooter so holding back what I’ve discovered really goes against my grain.
And to answer your last questions.
I am starting to take care of me and have contacted a therapist for me. (Seems that’s what I go to work for now cause all my extra money is going to therapy) sigh
And I am trying to put some boundaries in place cause there really hasn’t been any. It’s something I’ve always struggled with maintaining in my relationships.
And he really does have tantrums when I do like they mention in the books. So I’ve put the mindset I had with my kids going through the terrible twos in place cause I wasn’t a pushover mom and drawing from that experience.
I really appreciate the feedback thank you