Hi 2609am,

to the family!
Well, one upside of this being early in your relationship is that you haven't spent many years totally confused as to what has been happening!
Has she ever had therapy or expressed an interest in getting some? Or interest in medication? It is typically advised not to tell a partner we think they have these issues, but in your case, it seems she's self-disclosed and so you seem to have an in to conversations around these issues. Also, about medication, it may help, but it may not be enough. You just have to see. My SO takes medication and it got my hopes up a bit, but he is really just the same, only perhaps less depressed and suicidal, but now he drinks a lot, sleeps a lot, and is still very difficult at times... .and all this is better than before believe it or not!
Those atomic bomb times are indeed horrible, I hear ya! If you take the time to read the lessons to the right of the board and on other pages as well you will have a better handle on this. It really is about be willing to examine your own issues and communication skills and doing a bit of a rebuild whether or not your partner is able to do so. If she is, great, but if not, you can still do a lot from your side of things.
Sounds like the typical push/pull, abandonment issues many of us deal with. Oh, how painful it is to watch and bear the brunt of. I know it is absolutely painful to see my SO struggle the way he does.
Keep posting and sharing and supporting others. This can be a great place on those especially dark days when it can feel like you are alone! You aren't! We're here!
with compassion, pearl.