Hi, and welcome!
Excellent clarifying questions asked so far by the others.
I like that you can identify the cycle. Mine had a cycle. I used to keep a code on the calendar, of dots and circles, stars, anything to help me spot the pattern and identify any triggers.
The cycle of violence visual also helped me with a way to describe it, and have the right words to explain to the counselor. It also helped to figure out what was my fault and what wasn’t, because of the blameshifting.
www.domesticviolence.org/cycle-of-violence/Glad to hear you both have counselors. That’s much better than seeing the same one together at the same time, because of triangulation.
Check out the tools here, I like them, and they help de escalate. Maybe you can widen the time between blow ups. It’s possible, but often very draining to do. Self care is a must!