Hi Needhelp69,

I am glad you found us here and have started posting. There is a lot going on here, and a lot to talk about. I think in time, if you stick with us, you'll find a lot of support and advice here if you so desire. It can become a much needed part of your overall support system.
While I don't have kids, I did want to at least step up and offer some support to you as best I can until others with more personal experience or insights with regards to your particular situation arrive. I can offer support and sympathy though! It sounds very hard to feel you might be "losing your kids" or seeing them mistreated in any way.
I think it is important to remember that you can't control him, not what he thinks or what he does. There is freedom in accepting this, that all you have control over is yourself, your own actions and thoughts, not his. All that to say, he may or may not "see the seriousness of the situation" and "act accordingly". I know that hurts because as humans we want to feel understood and it is reasonable to have expectations of others, but it is important to set realistic expectations of our partners given their oftentimes distorted views, etc.
There is a lot on this site to help you totally relearn how you communicate. It is not automatic, often NOT intuitive, and does take time to learn. But you can read up on various methods and start trying them right away. You will make mistakes, you won't see instant results, things can even get worse before they get better (your partner may get upset that you aren't acting the way he is used to for example) but if you turn it into a practice it may bring you some peace of mind that you are doing all you can under a difficult set of circumstances for anyone to face. Keep in mind therapists need therapy to support them when they have such patients, and you are dealing with this 24/7!
ValidationSETLet us know what you think once you read those! Are those things you'd like to try?
Also, all hope is not lost. I know it must hurt very much, but relationships are two way streets with adult children and I think you have a lot of room to make things better with them, or you can at least do your best and try!
wishing you peace, pearl.