WHO SHOULD POST ON THIS BOARD?Audience: The Book Club section is for all members.
Objective: To provide frank commentary and share impactful passages from books related to relationships, human behavior, and abnormal psychology. Members are encouraged to share their reading experiences and book quotes with others.
General Approach: Please vote in the poll and comment in the thread. To review a book that is not listed, please start a new thread.
Cataloging: The moderators review book discussions and any book that is too far off topic, or contains outdated principles, may be retired. We keep a inventory of retired books for a year or so in case an member wants to have it re-evaluated. There are also interesting books in the Retired Book Archive.
https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=38086.0Comments: bpdfamily.com is not retailing books. The sole purpose of the club is to provide prospective readers with the valued input of someone who has read the book, and for readers to share / discuss content with each other.