
You hit the nail on the head when you wrote...
"...I need to get help for myself." There should be no guilt whatsoever as you move in that direction. You can't help anyone else if you are depleted.
We have been on our journey with our daughter for a long time. Every now and then there seems to be a break-through but then comes the rage at something she picks up on...leaving us trying to figure it all out...wondering if we were in the same room when the "sin" was committed. Actually, it is only me, her Mom, who is her nemesis. Her Dad (my husband) can do no wrong.
Our daughter started to smoke marijuana when she was just a young teen...about the time our problems with her started. Thankfully she got in with a different crowd of kids and that came to an end...but not the problems. I strongly suspect that, in her case, her developing brain was affected as she experimented.
You mentioned how she will love you then hate you. The first book that was recommended to me was "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me." I cried as I read through that book because it described the hell that we were living through...and quite possibly "it" had a name. My research continued...more books...counselling for us, her parents. While she has gone to numerous counsellors over the years, she has never been officially diagnosed as having BPD...but the check marks are there. The biggest part of my healing was coming to terms with what is...IS. The dreams I had for that wonderful future with my daughter dragged me down for years.
Sadly we are about to embark on the 5th year of being estranged from her. When all the scare of Covid hit us, she sent a 1-line email offering assistance...just the one sentence, mind you. When we reached back there was silence for a long time then came the long, raging emails.
So, as I read those final sentences of yours I think...You go girl! You certainly are on the right track...and besides, great that you are here! We learn from each other in this caring community.
Once again...welcome!