Just feeling sad at the whole situation with my "partner"
In the past it has been soo good - even though there where always signs there was a problem - her overall radiance, positivity and energy were and still are at times able to give me the feeling of being whole.
Now I am sad.
I have been in and out of this relationship (currently "in") for nearly 30 years and am very blessed with 3 beautiful children (grown up now).
This recurring feeling of sadness is what I am most concerned with.
The phrase "why are you smiling" comes to mind

- Like I should be miserable all the time and if I am then I am "unhappy and you complain all the time"
----! Really it is so frustrating - I want to be happy - have a good healthy and respectful relationship, and it seems like trying to grasp a thought which is constantly shot down.
As I write I feel life entering my being - being able to express my feelings, situation and frustrations.
Thinking about making dinner but everything (just about) I make is tastless and boring. I am at the point where I cant be bothered to make anything for her as there is a 90% chance I will be criticized.