Hi strikeforce, I know it was difficult for you to go NC. It's a decision that many people on the Leaving board make. I don't consider it "running away" but consider it being proactive, facing your issues, and doing something about them.

Do you want to be "best friends"? What does "best friends" mean to you, like what do you expect from her as your best friend? Do you think she has the same expectations of you as her best friend?
NC isn't exactly a tool to teach her to change her behavior, but it is a tool for you to make space and time away from her in order to stop renting her an unhealthy amount of space in your head. It sounds like your break up was too recent and the wound you suffered too hard on you for you to keep playing push-pull games.
NC should be to give yourself the chance to get your head and your heart straight. When people try to use it for another reason or are only half-hearted about it, then that can fall under "dubious intent". When a person is trying to use NC to manipulate or get back with their BPDex, that is being unfair to themselves.
strikeforce, if you haven't read this info about breaking up with a BPD partner, please check it out because it might help you:
TOOLS: Exiting a BPD relationship.
You're not the only person who has been asked to be best friends after a BPD breakup. And you're not the only person to struggle with it. We expect our friends to help us, but when they hurt us it often feels worse than being hurt by a stranger. Hang in there and make sure to take care of yourself, strikeforce.