You write a searingly honest posting that echoed many things for me, and I'm sure shared by many people here. We are left with such questions and, often no answers for quite some time.
All I can offer is my experience. The only answers that will matter will come from within you. You will embrace the answers that make sense to you.
Learning about BPD helps in some ways, because perhaps we can let go of the idea that we might have fixed something. This was a very helpful reading for me:
Surviving a Breakup with Someone Suffering with Borderline Personality Disorder - 10 Beliefs That Can Get You Stuck I carried it with me, and I'd write about each belief and my experience of each when I felt deeply "stuck."
More importantly, however, I am learning I can reclaim myself from feeling broken, shattered, or alone. I'm learning to welcome my feelings of pain, because I dissociated for too long. I am replaced, I was devalued, and I was split black. But, it's ok -- in fact, it might be the worst best thing that ever happened to me because it's caused me to wake up, to tap inner strength, to grieve, to feel emotions, and to be alive again.
We are reduced to the core. We start from there. Keep asking the questions -- detachment leads to freedom. I am glimpsing it more and more each day.