I feel your pain, buddy.
Here´s my (emotionally unattached) view on this:
• You´ve dodged a big bullet - yet you don´t see it.
Getting a child with her, spending all your money, FOG, suicide drama, adultery, insecurity, lying, threats, control... . yes, I can see why you want that back
Seriously, the best way for you to get back on your feet is by working on your self esteem and focusing on YOU, not her! The ONLY reason why you even remotely miss her, is because your idea about what you deserve is skewed. You deserve SO much better than her!
Jees, imagine knowing all this about her on the first date; would you have gone on a second date?
You´ve just slowly gotten sucked into this situation - and you CAN get yourself out of it, too!
Trust me! You CAN do it!

• She´s moved on and "seems happy". If she´s BPD, there is no real happiness. It´s all a constant battle to avoid rejection. And if she suddenly feels any sign of happiness or peace in her new life, rest assured she will do whatever she can to disrupt it. Why? Because from experience (childhood most likely) she KNOWS that there is no such thing as peace and happiness. It´s all just a calm before the storm. And so she will MAKE the storm happen and reject her partner BEFORE he can reject her. Which brings me to... .
• She´s focusing on another poor schmuck - and you should be celebrating and clapping your hands right now!
HE is now gonna go thru the SAME hell you´ve been thru.
So instead of ASKING for trouble to come back and find you, perhaps you should celebrate?
• You´re confusing love with FOG.
Check out the advice on "Fear, Obligation and Guilt" in here, if you havent already.
• Also read the article on how a GOOD relationship works. Yours wasnt one, my friend.
Stay strong, be focused on YOU and keep ZERO contact!
You´ll be fine eventually.
Hope this helps