Wow, you want to go against the one condition of the Civil Restraint? I fear that would open you to consequences for violating the order. And I wouldn't do that without clear legal advice.
Beware, if you do that, your claims that all you want to do is reconcile is likely to fall on deaf ears in the constabulary.
Maybe you can "leave the door open", but beware of calling out to her or you could face legal consequences.
I am VERY certain, we can reconcile and CERTAIN, it is her trust issues and fear of vulnerability\abandonment causing ALL of this!
She is an adult, she has a right to live her life and make her decisions as she chooses. Now that the Law is involved, their #1 concern will be to enforce the terms if she reports any violations, they are not in the business of rescuing marriages. Especially if she doesn't want the marriage rescued.
Realistically, even if she came back, this could happen all over again a month from now. Then what? Will your life be a series of pleadings to come back?
Usually divorces take time, several months if not a year or more. Maybe before the divorce gets too far along that door may open for you, but right now her emotions are raw and ruling her perceptions.