I am literally yelling at the walls here ... . I am so pissed off !
I just don't get the communication style ... . Please help me understand !
There is a lot of drama here ... . perhaps you want to read it all, perhaps not ... . maybe you can relate, maybe not ... . I know that I come across really bad, I am just so furious and I explain why.
Emails Follow, with my comments in between the *****'s :
It starts with : is my kind of article and part of why I always made sexual intimacy central to our relating. You don't know how much I miss this with you. Just sitting down for a moment before making dinner for the kids. I'll respond to the last articles later tonight. Busy, busy day! How are you doing? <3
ME :
One of my favorite parts of our relationship and amazingly difficult to surrender.
Sensuality, sex and affection are divine when feeling secure, safe, heard, seen, respected, loved, appreciated and at peace.
Sex does not bring peace to a relationship.
Our foundation has serious cracks.
I never said that sex brings peace to a relationship. I was relating to the article and sharing based on my personal feelings about intimacy and the act of sharing intimately with a partner and the bonds that are created energetically, as well as physically. Just like a baby that's held everyday and carried by the mother and nursed. That baby will have an entirely different perspective on the world than a baby with no human contact. This is attachment theory. Mary Ainsworth expanded on the work of John Bowlby. This is why I breast fed both of my children and never left them with assorted caregivers. I do think that sex between committed partners can heal the soul and a relationship. I do think that touch can heal. Hugs heal. Massage heals. With no words at all. Simply touch and intent.
So we had that ; why why why was our relationship in so much chaos.
She sends a meme about how love cures all wounds.
Even as we added more love, the dynamic continued to spiral ... . it was like pouring water into a black hole.
Somewhere, something had to change, and it wasn't.
I really don't get it.
"... . I always made sexual intimacy central to our relating"
Emotional intimacy, trust, respect, communication ... . THOSE are central to a successful relationship.
And from that, the sexual aspect blossoms and deepens.
This is where I get triggered ... . HER:
Maybe it was one sided, but I felt that with you. I can't change the negative perceptions that you have of our relationship. If I can't offer you this list of requirements that you keep emphasizing then I understand why you pull away. I agree that these aspects are vital to all relationships whether friendship or romantic. Sex is powerful and will transform these friendship qualities you mentioned into a more complex attachment that pulls at our deepest and darkest kept secrets about ourselves that even we don't know. Scorpio, 8th house issues.
**** Your thoughts on this would be appreciated ... . to me it felt passive aggressive, I felt hurt. ******
ME :
List of requirements ?
like respect ? listening ? trust ? communication ? security ? is that unreasonable ?
Maybe all that love was one sided, and I felt it with you as well. So, I don't know what you mean when you say that.
All I got was a message that you never felt safe with me.
Not sure how you could feel love with me if you don't feel safe with me.
I don't know how you could love me when you weren't respecting me, and putting me down as a man.
I don't know how you could love me when I share my feelings and you tell me I am wrong, crazy, broken, abusive, lying and manipulative.
What kind of foundation did we have to work with ?
I don't believe you loved ME, you loved the idea of me and never saw me.
When I express myself ... . I don't see you listening, responding to what i say ... . I hear you defending yourself, putting me down, making me wrong ... .
I've not heard you accept responsibility for YOUR part (and I am not blaming you for everything, I just want you to own your part and stop making me wrong when I share where I feel disconnected and confused.)
I've not heard an apology. I want an explanation. I want to understand.
At this point, I question if you actually loved me, or if I was some patsy to satisfy your attachment needs and sexual impulses ... . some type of emotional & spiritual drug.
I wish I had NEVER opened my heart up to you.
***** That was unkind of me, I was becoming angrier and angrier ... . and it is also true, I'd rather have avoided the pain that I am experiencing and the confusion of her false accusations, telling me she hates me and that I am perfect, etc etc **
I have apologized. I have explained and I have listened. I have taken responsibility. I really don't know what you want from me. I feel like you're asking for something beyond what I can comprehend. At this point, the only thing left is to let it go and just plain love without all the baggage from the past. Truly forgiving and erasing the hurts with love. It really is that simple. We have a choice in life to cling to a list of justice and injustice or a tally sheet of keeping things balanced like a check book. Or, just opening the heart and truly loving the other person. That is the basis of a healthy long lasting lifetime partnership.
**** She is accurate in this, in my opinion *****
ME :
Yes, the only choice is to let it go. *** What I am saying is ... . yes, the only choice is to let YOU go... . ****
Well now, that's your perspective on life and on me. It has nothing to do with who I am and how I interacted with you. Your reaction is your reaction. I hope you eventually understand true love and true forgiveness. Maybe one day you'll understand me. Obviously, you appear to strongly dislike me and have no respect for me at all. I will not participate in this kind of interaction. I have a huge loving heart and I gave it to you. I don't deserve being seen the way you see me. I wish to be seen and loved, forgiven and cherished in all circumstances.
**** To me, she is asking for permission to walk all over me (or somebody) and never be held accountable. *****
ME :
Because, according to our experiences, we go through some cycle where things get better and then bolt of emotional anarchy strikes from a clear blue sky and leaves my nerves zapped !
I don't know what I do that is so wrong that I needed to be screamed at, put down, humiliated, falsely accused.
I am sitting here shaking, having problems breathing and am SWEATING though it is 68 degrees here.
OK Artisan, so if I'm so toxic to you then stop talking to me. If you don't like me and feel that I hurt you so much then why do you keep communicating?
ME :
Because I want to know that you didn't hate me.
I seriously am unable to wrap my mind around the words and behavior.
The awesome aspects of our relationship ... . exactly what I had wished for.
The rest of it ?
Nobody in my whole life has hurt me so deeply.
You hate me.
That is the only thing I can make sense of.
Or, you hate you, you hate your mom, you hate your dad ... . and you loved me to the same depth you can love yourself.
When Sam helps you move ; don't put him down like you did me.
It was really ___ty to put me down for being there for you and supporting you.
Your hypocrisy really pisses me off.
**** THAT WAS ME BEING PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE AND ANGRY b/c she is dating a new guy, she denies it, and tells me that I am a liar, manipulator, and hiding things. She kept accusing me of wanting to be with other people, and she IS with another person. That was me still feeling hurt b/c I helped her move TWICE in one month and she screamed at me for helping, saying that any guy would help her and that my assistance meant nothing ! ****
***** when I am unable to openly communicate my feelings, I get passive aggressive ... . when I don't feel heard or seen, when I openly communicate and its constantly questioned or demeaned ... . so, there is a great deal of frustration here ... . *****
I have told you a bazillion times that I love you and that you are the most intimate partner I've ever had in my life. I've told you that I was intoxicated when I said certain words and that I was purging Sean and my frustrations with him. I was so patient with you and always tried to express myself in the gentlest way at first. I have learned boundaries and that I need to be more concrete with people. I'm too soft and lenient with people and then they don't hear me, ignore me, do whatever they want, walk all over me and I end up blowing up at the end and looking like an ass. That's not the whole picture. I've learned to be a bit more hardened. I'm naturally soft and accommodating and adaptable to people's needs. It can get me in trouble. I'm sorry that I screwed up. For more than 90% of our relationship together I treated you like the King that you are. I wish you could have seen that and focused on that.
**** So much in here that makes me squirm. ********
ME :
Purging by taking it out on me and using me like an emotional toilet bowl.
I didn't walk all over you. I listened to you. I responded to you. I did my best to give you everything you asked for.
You falsely accused me of cheating and wanting to cheat WITHIN THREE DAYS OF MY MOVING IN ... . that was not fair ... . there was no real communication
I hadn't even done anything except move in with you.
You didn't express to me that you felt uncomfortable, you just took it out on me and beat me into submission.
Whatever Keith, I don't know what to tell you. I didn't view events like this and there are other reasons that things happened in the first few days. I won't go into that again. It doesn't seem to help to explain my side of events to you. The anger you express to me is pure hatred.
Do you get angry with people you have loved often? You spoke terribly about past girlfriends when I met you. Now I know to look out for people who speak negatively about past relationships. It says more about them than their past loves. I really strongly believe that you have carried this anger that you're expressing towards me for a long, long time. I am but a catalyst for the purging of anger. This long held anger is part of what created problems with us.
**** the hatred word is a massive trigger for me ... . she is the only person / lover / partner in my whole life that has said they hate me *****
ME :
I spoke both positive and negative about my past relationships ; and when I shared the positive you'd put me down for it.
When I shared the positive, you'd compare yourself to that and think you weren't good enough ... . geez.
Now you are putting me down for sharing the shadow as well.
Thanks for blaming me, its my anger ... . its all my fault.
As usual, the defense reactions from you ... . predictable.
*** my responses are just as predictable ... . same old song and dance ****
*** THIS IS THE POINT I LOSE IT EMOTIONALLY. So much built up resentment, rage and confusion. ****
No matter what I say with you I'm doomed. You just can't accept me as me.
This is your mind talking and not me.
ME :
Its my rage talking...
My rage at being humiliated ... . Put down ... . falsely accused ... . Not listened too ... . gaslighting ... . at your hypocrisy ... . how you denigrated my efforts and involvement ... .
And yes, I do have old wounds ; you didn't see me taking them out on you did you ?
Did I sit there and accuse you of cheating or wanting to cheat ? I HAVE BEEN CHEATED ON ... . I have more cause to feel insecure about that than you ... . And I only trusted you.
When you trust and respect somebody, you don't make up stories and beat the living spirit out of them...
You are taking out your old wounds out on me now and you did take out your old wounds out on me through leaving over and over again.
ME :
You are the only person I left over and over again.
Exactly how is that old wounds ? Smacks of new ones to me.
You were constantly accusing me of nothing! And then beating me up for it !
Why ?
Why would you expect ANYBODY to stay in that scenario ? It is unreasonable.
I am a healthy and whole person ... . so I responded as any healthy person would do.
The only thing I can make sense of in regards to your behavior is that you were so frightened of losing me that ANYTHING you FELT was a threat needed to be controlled ... . doesn't matter if the feeling had a real basis in fact.
Where are we going with this? You obviously do not like me. Why keep doing this?
***** WHY THE HELL DID SHE SEND ME AN EMAIL? *************
ME :
OK, at least I now know that you've given up hope and have disengaged from me.
ME :
You started dating ; after all your accusations ... . total projection ... .
**** her date posted photo's of the two of them on FB , she insists he is just a 'friend' yet if I even mentioned a woman she'd accuse me of wanting to f* her, or if any woman ever gave me a hug or talked to me ... . you guessed it ... . I wanted to f* her ... . she yelled at me for having female friends on facebook or making comments to their jokes or talking about common interests ****
... .
At this point, I walk away.
I waste three hours of my day in this exchange, and get on the board.
I am shaking, angry, having problems breathing ... . and wanting a good drink.
Instead, I will go outside, walk, and go to band practice in a couple of hours.