While you were still together? I have. By the sisters, who also display the same BPD and narcissistic characteristics... .stemming from the narcissist mother cheating on the father multiple times in their early years. At first I was told I was a "great guy" and "man of good character" by the sisters... .after a year, I was deleted and blocked off facebook for completely childish reasons.
Talk about awkward family get togethers! A total nightmare! And of course, my uBPD ex fiance blamed me for not fixing it. I had absolutely no idea how... .other than beg for forgiveness and give into to their manipulation... .which of course, wasnt going to happen. It was hard, because I was doing my best to support my ex fiance when she was on/off with her sisters. They could go months without speaking... .then be the best of friends (but all the awhile talking bad about each other)
Its weird to be talking to somebody in real life that is smiling and engaged in conversation with you across the dinner table, all the while knowing that they hate you enough to block you on social media. What world was I living in, really? So glad now that that is over! My life has gotten a lot more quiet.