When any of us breaks NC, we pretty much are writing the words HURT ME on our foreheads
This isn't necessarily true.
No Contact isn't a punishment. No Contact isn't a self imposed exile. No Contact isn't some invisible barrier like the other person doesn't exist and if you break NC you are doomed to fail and be crushed by the unbeatable force of a pwBPD.
No Contact is a tool. Plain and simple. It gives you time to clear your head, your space, your world. It gives you time to center and focus on what is really important... .that is you. You are the most important person in the whole wide world.
If you want to talk to your pwPD... .talk to them. If you want to break NC... .break NC.
Remember, it's a tool - not a sentence (as in prison sentence).
At this point you have to take into consideration that the only person who can "Hurt You"... .is you.
Your happiness starts and ends with you!