Hello, ConfusedMeg... .I'm really sorry for all of the troubles you and your boyfriend are having. The members of this Board are doing what they can to preserve their relationships, and helping each other in that endeavor. You mention that you think you might have BPD? Have you ever been diagnosed with a disorder? Do you think your boyfriend might have BPD?
This site is actually for the family members and loved ones of people with BPD, not actually for people with BPD themselves (unless they are here because they believe their loved one has BPD or BPD traits and are here to learn how to deal with them). The
links to the right-hand side of this page will give you a better understanding of what a person with BPD is going through, and how to deal with a loved one by learning new communication tools and techniques.
Reading every single
link, especially
The Lessons, will be very helpful to you in figuring things out relating to your relationship. If you are here to learn how to deal with a BPD boyfriend, then that works... .If you are wondering if you, yourself, have BPD, our sister site would be a better fit for you:
Resources for BPD Sufferers, since we aren't really qualified to help you figure that out... .
Hope this helps, ConfusedMeg