Hi charleston,
Welcome to the site, I'm glad you posted and gave such a good backstory on what you're going through. You're definitely not alone, as you said, and your story is similar to what many here experience. You love your wife and want to stay, and it sounds like in addition to the struggles in your relationship, you also want what is best for your three boys. I can relate to have a teen-age son (my son is 13) and all that goes with that.
One of the best things that happened for me was learning how other people coped with parenting issues when one parent is BPD. I learned so much. Lesson 5 to the right -------> has a lot of good material on raising emotionally resilient kids. The one tool that worked for me right away was validation. There's a book called Power of Validation (for parents) that I used with my son (also diagnosed ADHD) and it worked immediately. Validation is also an excellent tool to use with a BPD spouse. When you want to discuss tools to help you in your relationship with your wife, the
Staying Board is an excellent place to also introduce yourself.
I'm really glad you posted here for help with your kids. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the marital issues and feel so overwhelmed that we can't help our kids. It sounds like you have a plan to address the whole enchilada
Was the wilderness school helpful for your son? My son also struggles with depression. He's seeing a psychiatrist who is doing metacognitive therapy with him and I'm cautiously optimistic that this will lay a lifelong foundation for him to deal with his depression/anxiety (very common with ADHD kids). Metacognitive therapy is about how we think, not just what we think. He just started so I can't say yet whether this is the right approach.
I hope you'll keep posting and let us know how you're doing. People here genuinely care and understand here