Hi... .
I am not really sure of where to post... . I am in the process of leaving more than being undecided, I guess... . but I am not all ready for the "harsher" tone in the "leaving"-forum.
So here goes... . and this is long, I know. Writing my thoughts and emotions is my primary way of dealing with difficult stuff, I need it to keep in balance, to understand my situation and myself. I have been doing it all my life... . Come to think of it, I probably have a rather strong "wise mind"
8 weeks ago I looked lovingly at the Man whom I’ve loved for nearly two years, as he stepped on the bus to take him back to his home city, to be with his kids (every other week). Yes, we’ve had our difficulties, and I was proud of how we worked with them. I had identified the FOG, we had our attachment styles assessed ;-) , and I put my feelings into words about his habit of accusing and blaming me for things instead of talking about his own emotions.
Our difficulties were ours in private. He does not do any other harmful things, he is sort of a shy and polite man, never raising his voice towards the kids or others, there are no addictions or other sorts of destructive, impulsive behavior. He knows how important it is for him to feel safe and secure, and pretty much organizes his life to maintain these principles.
So, in our relationship there hasn’t been any of these classic textbook borderline “craziness”. But 7 weeks ago something happened. He didn’t not want to have the intense daily contact we always had (because he “needed it”), and after some silence he sent me some emails that left me in total shock and despair. I could not believe what I read – it seemed like he suddenly hated my guts! It was so confusing and so hurtful that I entered the net searching for info about defense mechanisms, because I identified the severe projection and the splitting – what a shock! I kept on reading… trailing whatever I recognized from our relationship… the emotional rollercoaster, the intensity of the relation, the twisted accusations, the emotional blackmailing, the protests of me doing anything outside of the relationship. And you all know what I found… I found Borderline.
I could not believe it… and a part of me still can’t. In my eyes, the next step of this relationship would be engagement, but instead, there was silence and anger and jealousy and painting me very, very black. I have been reading a lot about borderline for the last 6-7 weeks. Would he meet the criteria for diagnosis? I’m not sure. Is he deeply affected with the core issues of borderline? Yes, I strongly believe that.
After 5 weeks of separation and very little contact he visited me, and we did have a good time, we talked about difficult topics better than before, but it ended with him stating that he needed to live at his home and not with us, and that he would only come to visit us. He couldn't say when or how much. He portrayed our relationships as a very skewed one, where he was giving and I recieving, and that he couldn't do that anymore.
I was so hurt by this, and he seemed totally unaware of the strain and pain he had put on me (and partly the kids who missed him), so I responded by saying that he could pack his things and leave my key – when he seemed shocked over this turn, I pointet out that he actually was breaking up our routine of living together as a family (part time), and if he wanted “just to visit” and not to be like a family any more, than he had to do just that. I don’t think he saw that one coming…
Two weeks ago he packed his things and left a huge void in my house, in my life. We did not say “it’s over”, we did say “I love you”. I didn’t know if we had broken up or not… spooky… a little red flag just there, I guess …
One week ago I met with our family counceler, who knows both of us. I cried and talked about my confusion, but not about that I suspect Borderline personality disorder is at play here. But the therapist actually stated quite clearly that there were things going on in this relationship that I should not put up with. He addressed how difficult it is when only one person’s definition of love and how to do it, is acknowledged, and not the others'. How unhealthy it gets when the relationship has room only for one of the persons’ needs, not both of them. How one enters a risk zone when the expectations of what the other person should do (to avoid the other getting hurt for instance) becomes a core concern. The T simply said that I needed to get out of this.
I cried my heart out that evening. And the next day, I sat down and wrote an email to my Man. Nothing angry, no blaming. Well, I did describe that I was confused and in pain and had trouble understanding our situation, and that’s way I hadn’t responded to his last text messages. (And he thought that was terrible blaming of me to say that… he obviously doesn’t know what blaming really is …
So... . I wrote him an email. Where I stated my needs. It felt scary to do so. It felt very uneasy… I’m not good at stating my needs! It scares me, to be honest, to state my needs. (I know. A issue to look into right there. I’m on it.) So, totally without blaming and just being very, very honest, I stated that I need to have a social life that is larger than my relationship, that I need all the things and people “out there” that make me a better person - and I need a partner who understands this and do not blame me for it or portrays me as a bad person (egoistic, probably unfaithful, not caring, not loving) when I do those things that are actually good for me, for us. I stated that I needed that my definition of loving and caring are as valid as my partner’s. I stated that I needed to just be me…. (that is somehow a strange thing to say… I mean, when you reach the point that you have to spell out: I need to be just me… that means something, doesn’t it…)
Well, maybe I shall translate my statements and put it up here later on the forum?
In short, what I was doing: I did a little research project where I wanted to examine: This Sea of Love, what’s in it? The bumps on the surface, is it slush that I easily can shove aside? Or: Is it the tip of the iceberg? Or rather: Is this sea so full of icebergs that it's impossible for me to sail through here?
So I sent a mail that was all about my needs and my boundaries. I needed to do that examination. And the results didn’t surprise me. I received long, angry emails in return, criticizing me to pieces.
I realized: One week ago I would have been destroyed of all the things he says about me, the twisted way he analyzes me and the situation, the demeaning descriptions. But now… I just felt like… clear and rational, seeing that this is all about him being very irrational and extremely self-centered. It is all about his feelings. He is desperately trying to control the situation, to “make me” see things his way. And I have been seeing things his way. I have learned a lot, and I truly appreciate his outlook on many things (values: the importance of family and kids, avoid stress, anti-materialistic living etc etc).
But now, this was about me standing up for my core values, this was me telling what I need to have in my life. Me drawing a clear boundary. Telling him that in my opinion, a close and intimate relationship is fully compatible with each person being an individual and seeking the positive things in life outside the relationship too, either alone or together with somebody else. That I need to be trusted as a kind and loving partner when I am happy doing other things as being with friends, going to the theater, travelling, listening to music alone one evening... . u name it, the list is long! It’s all about me doing the positive things (=that are not harmful in any way to anybody), it is about
my core belief that love is to set free, that love aspires the other to be himself/herself fully. My ideal of love is to help the other reach his/her full potential, not in means of being materialistic successful, but in terms of being in harmony with oneself and the people that matters in your life.
Yes, I have longed all my life for the intense togetherness of this relationship. I have never ever been loved – or loved – this way. It has filled deep voids inside me. To be honest: The voids are still there, they are not full, I still long for more.
But I think it is possible to have this sort of strong and unified “us” and still be able to respect and nourish each person’s individuality. He for sure, has been telling me otherwise!
There has been one week since my emails and his’ ranting over them, and then his final text stating he gives up, he doesn’t want to fight this any more, that he sets himself free, and that I am free too. I gave him a short reply that I too didn’t see the point in working so hard to reach something that should come automatically, and that it was too bad he didn’t have room for me and my things.
And that’s the last he has heard from me. For me, it was over that day, that evening.
Now I am not sure if he understands that we are broken up… and it seems so silly to saythis out loud. He wrote me a text saying: “Seems like you want the silence for now, and I’ll try to give that to you for as long as you need it”.
So… what do I do? My plan was to stay “no contact”. But I guess I have to say it out clearly, me too, that I don’t want this anymore, that we are over. I start crying just writing it. Cause… until 8 weeks ago, this has been an extremely positive experience for me. Yes, I see now what have been wrong, and it coulnd’t continue on those terms, but I have been living my dream, my clear feeling of this is that it was overall good, 90% of the time, I had a bliss, everything I ever dreamt of. I could have lived with the 10% bad stuff, but… seeing now that this 10% probably is the tip of the iceberg, and a level of 90% intense happiness is anyway over, that we actually are in a downward negative spiral…
I find it so hard to build my decision not to stay (or, probably it’s not up to me to decide, he has already pulled out cause he can’t control this relationship to the extent he needs to keep his anxieties in place, I think) on insight and reflection alone… I mean, if he had been a real jerk and bully and doing the crazy stuff, if I had experienced that, I would feel like my decision, my point of view were
I acknowledge that we developed our relationship in toxic ways, me being codependent and complying to him desperately trying to control his own fears and anxieties.
I say this with respect for him: I do not think he is at a position where he is able to change our relationship into a healthier version. I don’t think he is mature and ready to do that. I think he has a long way to go, starting by acknowledging ownership of his own feelings. Working on his boundaries. This is confusing, cause he is so intelligent and articulate, he knows how to talk about complex issues; yes, they are somewhat twisted and turned sometimes, other times he is spot on, his sensitivity also giving him the power to “read” other people.
I feel terrible to let “US” (our relationship) down, to discard us. It’s an unspeakable act, not an option at all. Together4ever, no matter what!
I feel safe about where I am heading when simply stating my own needs puts him over the edge. Conveys that there is no room for me. It was all about his needs… or to be fair: As long as my needs fell into the same form and activities as his needs, everything was fine. And the future prospect of this relation getting worse and not better: I fully comprehend that that is an option I cannot choose for my life and my kids.
I’ve started reading “The high conflict couple” yesterday. (Too bad the front page now refers to the authors as being leading in the field of Borderline pd!) It gives me tremendous calmness to read these simple sentences (Fruzetti, 2006: p.25):
“When your partner does something you like, she or he is not a wonderful partner. When your partner does something you don’t like, he or she is not an awful partner”. If any sentences could sum up the logic of our relation (or should I rather say: the dynamics he put into this relationship), this would be it. WOW all the energy I have used to fight this notion, eh, of me being awful… I have embraced and enjoyed being wonderful (for the first time ever… I really needed that…. Uhm… A lot of self-psychology on my steps, I would say

It has been a wonderful time! I have received so many things in this relationship, not only to me, but him being there for my kids, I truly find his fathering superb, to share parenthood for the first time, ahh, what a bliss. My love for him is going deep, for all the joy and love we do have made together.
And now I cannot continue because of his faulty logic and lack of maturity to work on himself?
I know the correct answer is yes! But it hurts! And it is still so confusing! A part of me wishes he would do something so bad that I could easily say to him: We are OVER and I never want to hear from you again! But, on the other hand, I know this is faulty logic as well!
Thank you guys for reading in. This forum is a life-saver with its grounded wisdom derived from experience, coupled with the academic insight. Got to love it
