Hi Misty,
It sounds like you're feeling a sense of closure, which can be very liberating.
"I think one oft he most dangerous things that keep people stuck and attached is the thought that we will never be happy again, that we can’t live without them."I agree that letting go can feel very frightening for all the reasons explored in the 10 Beliefs that can you get stuck. I'm sure you've already read it - I found I needed to review it periodically to help me reframe my thinking when I slipped in unhealthy ruminations.
https://bpdfamily.com/bpdresources/nk_a109.htm#1I didn't block my ex on my mobile, though I did unfriend and block her on FB. I did this because our breakup felt so raw that any interaction was painful and I needed to help myself detach.
I don't know if you been following this thread, but there's an interesting discussion on NC, which I found very interesting.
https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=275714.0Hope your new phone is cool