I am ready to make a public declaration of NC and no filling up the bath tub
(more on that below). My NC stats don't feel definitive but thus far:
-I ended r/s early Dec 2014 and told him to never contact me again
(he had threatened me and my children)-I installed the Blacklist app on my phone so his calls go straight to voicemail. Couldn't answer even if I wanted to.
-I didn't respond to any of the 450 contacts he made to me with two exceptions: (1) he showed up at my office. I called the police. (2) he called from an office phone when I didn't know it was he; we spoke briefly and as a result I mailed/emailed a document he needed
-I have been steadfast in my resolve to not reply. Tho that was enormously hard at times due to both fear, sadness and longing
-Since mailing the letter, I have 103 days NC. If counting from the b/u date, I have 147 but this feels like fudging the numbers a bit.
-I am
very pleased to say I have a pure 103!
-BUT... .b/c he tried to make contact so many times I don't actually FEEL like I am at 103
-Ystd was 30 days NC from him. No messages in 30 days. Two private calls w/o a msg but could have been him or not. Woo-hoo!
-So emotionally I feel like I am at day 30 even though I've been at this much longer
-I also feel like I am at day 30 b/c despite not responding to him, I've been reading old emails, text messages, online stalking etc. This has kept it too much alive and well. I have now committed to not filling up the bathtub for the next SIXTY days minimum.
So just what is
filling up the bathtub? Years ago, a dear friend (not me!) went to see her T who happened to be a wonderfully wise old man who called it like he saw it. She shared her thoughts about a romantic situation, and he looked at her and said in his booming voice,
"Well, godd*amnit ____, did you just decide to fill up the bath with sh*t and roll around in it? That is the stupidest, godd*amn thing I have heard you say." I don't remember what the situation was but I sure remember his metaphor. And I've been filling up the bathtub. Again and again and again. Every time I read an old text message. An old email. Listen to an old voicemail. I've been filling up the bathtub with sh*t and rolling around in it. My ex did some really horrible stuff with disastrous outcomes. But as bad as that was (and it was bad), it is worse that I've been reliving it time and time again post b/u.
As such, here's my new commitment: NC and NO FILLING UP THE BATHTUB for the next SIXTY days. Surely, sixty days will be extended but that is a solid commitment to get me started and far down the path. I have done this with all my other b/u's (non-BPD) and it ALWAYS works.
I am not deleting old messages lest I need it legally, but I will NOT open it or look at any of it for the next sixty days. Ystd was day #1. I will not reopen the wound and am staying out of that nasty freaking bathtub!
Thank you for celebrating my 103 days (woo-hoo) and for new, NO EXCUSES commitment to NO BATHTUB!