I think I have reached the end of my tether.
Today I have been spat at, screamed at, pushed and shoved and verbally abused.
Just because I did not ask enough about her day - in the right way.
Hi jc2
I'm really sorry this is happening. I understand how very difficult and upsetting this feels.
Nobody deserves to be spat at, or verbally or physically abused. From reading your others posts it's clear that you've experienced a lot of pain and trauma.
I spent almost 16 years with my partner and our relationship alternated between periods of relative calm to extreme lows with violent episodes. I was so lost in the FOG, that lost sight of myself and I found ending my relationship one of the most difficult and frightening things I've ever done. It's now over two and a half years since we separated and though it hasn't been easy I feel that ending the relationship was the right thing for both me and my partner.
I cannot see clearly what to do but probably should visit the other boards.
When it is this bad I just cannot see that anyone can get better. How does anyone know that people can get better? I am not sure I believe it can happen.
My personal take is that healing takes a lot of work for both partners and there are no guarantees that a relationship will survive.
It is possible and there are members that have found a way through. Steph, one of the senior members has written about her and her partner's journey. If you're interested it's worth reading her posts.
I think the outcome varies enormously depending on the circumstances and the strengths and weakness of both people involved in the relationship. Both need to be really committed to doing the work and that's not always the case.
These relationships can push us to our absolute limits and beyond and I think at a certain point it's important to try and be fair to ourselves and accept our own limitations. I know this isn't easy and I realise that it can feel very painful.
I know from your posts that you've had a very traumatic experience in therapy that very understandably left you feeling terribly betrayed. I can't imagine how hurtful it must have been…
I can also understand that the idea of seeking professional help could feel deeply triggering. Do you have a support network or a trusted friend that you could confide in?
Please know that we're here for you