Had my children stay with me this weekend and feel pretty good with how everything transpired between me and the uBPD ex gf.
I actually had for the very first time a moment of clarity from her,so much so my mouth nearly touched the floor. I said amidst conversation with her that it is pretty obvious she has some deep issues going on inside her head and she needs to get that sorted out.Now usually she would go "oh my god" or huff and puff but she said "yes I know but my focus right now is looking after the children and getting the house sorted out and then I intend to deal with that" WOW.I said no more on the matter. She also said "she knows exactly where she went wrong"
But I had to laugh this morning after I dropped my son off at school she posted the Taylor Swift song blank space on her facebook and said she was hooked on it thanks to her neighbor's/enablers daughter who is 9 years old

I typed the song into google followed by BPD and this lovely article came up
www.psychdronline.com/blank-space-perfect-example-of-borderline-personality-disorder/#comment-76I get the feeling that deep down she knows,now the question is will she ever do anything about it?