Hello there
Our daughters sound like they could be the same person

Our family situation is unique too as I am a single mum. And also have a younger daughter to a differnt Dad, who lives nearby and although we are not together, he is aware of our situation and lends support where he can.
My DD16 (almost) is engaging in all those behaviours too. And just doesnt seem to be able to help herself.
Punishments and groundings do not work with my daughter. Social services have also been involved with us since she was 8 yrs old due to false accusations, problems in school etc
I think that at 16 grounding is pointless anyway and only serves to increase their frustration and hatred towards us. Also if there are other children/siblings at home it is not fair on them to create a tense, fearful atmosphere.
Groundings with my daughter always resulted in something been broken, usually something of mine. Phones, cameras etc being smashed. Holes punched in walls. Threats of or actual self harm, suicidal gestures.
And after all that she would just climb out a window and leave anyway. Calling the cops deterred for a little while but never stopped her.
Her choice of friends is also poor. They appear to attract each other like magnets, dont they?
Natural consequences has been the way forward for my DD. She has also engaged in risky sex, coming home drunk and out of it at all hours. I am there to offer support if she asks for it. I have put her on birth control but warned that it wont protect her from STDs. That is all that I can do. Unfortunately there are no programmes in my area for drug/alcohol abuse at such a young age.
I would agree with lbjnltx that sending her to live in WI will probably not work out.
Her cheerleading and job are two very positive things in her life and I would work more towards encouraging these to blossom. Not easy i know.
I know from experience that sending my dd to live with her dad at 13 was a big mistake. It lasted 4 months and only caused more upset and confusion within our home when she came back.
I have accepted the fact that like Lbjntlx said, there is only a 2 year time frame now where we can help our daughters. So it is an important matter to use them wisely. There is always hope while we have the authority and the last say so on matters regarding our girls recovery.
I wish you all the best.