It seems you handled this interaction very well. Good job. This really resonated with me:
Particularly towards the end of the relationship, I didn't feel appreciated or engaged at all despite the fact that I felt I was always making efforts to make her feel those ways. Things were generally ALL about her during the relationship. At the end of the relationship I don't even really remember asking me any questions about me at all unless it pertained to something about her. Again, she is who she is and I think there is a lot to admire about her, but that's not what I want in a relationship certainly.
That's totally my experience. I think my ex mirroring me through most of our 10 year relationship gave me the affirmation I needed to feel respected and wanted; and I think there probably were stretches of time when she was truly curious in what I had going on. But at some point I think her narcissism triumphed and there was no genuine empathy or sustained interest in me there - certainly not the kind that long-lasting bonds are made of.
As a result of the interactions since our break up, I've come to see that over the last 6 - 9 months of the relationship I'd begun to intuit that something was really quite wrong: there was absolutely no room for me in the relationship anymore; indeed, it was no longer a relationship because it was all about her arranging things to her liking.
My experience isn't one of violence, cheating, etc. - more a series of gradual but increasingly vocal demands that I drop all my boundaries to accommodate her needs, and increasingly blatant indications that she didn't really care about my needs at all. But I think as it was going on I was in denial about its consequences: I wanted to think we could manage it with counseling, that she was in a funk owing to some external stressors and would come around eventually, that we'd fallen off the same page. I did not want to believe that it had to mean the end of the relationship. Now I can see, though, that she was not able to sustain the interdependent, reciprocal relationship I ultimately would like to be able to have with a partner - which is an empowering and positive way to define things going forward. You seem to have arrived at a similar place.
Now on to the next challenge - opening ourselves up to people who can truly deliver what we say we want!