When I was a child I never explore emotion regarding my Mum. I was to focus on her pain. Now i'm mature enough to explored what I went through as a child by therapy and on my own. I think music is a powerful thing and this song I relate to it so much because it's sound like my parents painful love story. When I listened to the song all these painful memories came to my mind.
Exactly the same with me. Music has been a controlled way to explore these emotions. But the really spooky thing, was that when I realised about BPD I started to understand the lyrics to my most sole soothing songs I always listened to, as you do, and found out my two top band, both experienced and wrote about someone with a PD. So Oasis’s father has a PD and was very abusive and The Arctic Monkeys also wrote explicit lyrics about it. Makes me wonder if we share close pain through the rhythm of the music?
However both those bands are termed teenage angst music. Bit different to the one you present. But the Eagles lyrics also go on endlessly about Desperado, and Evil Woman. Maybe we should create a thread to put together a recovery playlist ? Broken into the stages of recovery. So starting with realisation, onto anger, then acceptance . Noel from Oasis now hangs out with Russle Brand (who’s believed to have a PD) so I’m guessing he’s over it.