S7's 2nd grade teacher got redeployed to another school in the district which had more kids.
I received a text last night, with an image of the note showing the choices: put back in 1st grade, put into a 2nd grade classroom, and put into a hybrid 1st/2nd grade classroom. S7 was placed into the hybrid class.
Their mom's concern was that he was being demoted (punished).
To boil down the text conversation last night,
She: "I don't think it's good that S7 is going back with 1st graders. I talked to [our summer babysitter whose daughter was in the same class] and she agrees."
Me: "we should ask why he was chosen. I was in combo classes in 4th (with 3rd), and 5th/6th when I was in a private school. It worked."
She: "S7 does better with younger kids. I want to get him tested to see if he can advance to 3rd grade."
She's been on this "the kids are geniuses" deal for a few years now. She wanted for D5 to skip preschool to go into pre-K at the time. I pointed out that by state law, this would leave her in limbo for a whole year since kids can't start kindergarten until they are 5. She's talked about skipping our son every year.
She also told me last night that our son was nervous about going into 2nd grade because he thought he wasn't smart enough. Funny. He's never told me that.

Me (verbatim and getting pissed off): "He's nervous about going into second grade yet you want him to skip to 3rd, possibly throwing him into an environment in which he'd feel more anxiety and out of place, also given your concerns about his limitations dealing with older kids. This doesn't make sense what's best for S7."
She: "that's a good question and I don't think that putting him with 1st graders is best either."
She asked who should email them. I said I would today, so I did.
Cue the morning email chain. More of the same, but including the teacher and principal.
I basically asked what rubric was used to determine the placement. I was kind of BIFf. Get the facts. Then I got a text, "you didn't ask why?" Yes, I did. I told her this. Then went to lunch. The principal responded.
Basically, they determined it based upon the individual kids and how they would do. S7 was placed back with his 1st grade teacher, along with whatever cohort from the class. They determined who would do well in a mixed classroom, and S7 was one of those. The principal said that in her experience, kids in mixed classes tended to be a little ahead. The older kids tended to take on leadership roles for the younger kids which was good for them. Etc... .
Not good enough for Mommy. She responded. Verbatim: "I want S7 transferred into a 2nd grade class... ."
The principal slapped that down (BIFFly... .I was impressed, and was munching pop corn).
I'm surprised I didn't get a text or call tonight about it, but it's still early. What the school said is what I thought. Mommy took it to an extreme. I suppose S7 won't be a future Intel CEO now. Yes, I know that's how she thinks. This ultimately isn't about the kids, but her. This skipping grades stuff is nonsense (at least at this point).
S7 scored genius level on one component of his IQ test, but when averaged with the others, came out in the 92nd percentile. He might not even qualify for GATE. I might point this out to her since I'm sure she only gave his ASD evaluation a glance. It included the IQ test.
So now I'm left with, "do I engage in triangulation with the school?"
She already profiled herself two years ago approaching a kindergarten mom whose son was bullying ours. My ex was threatening her with legal action. That mom went to the principal. We got called into a meeting and my ex got smacked down in front of the principal, school nurse, and school counselor. I was Switzerland.
I bring the kids to school Monday. I'm thinking of talking to the principal. I'm not thinking of triangulating against, my ex per say, but just saying thank you for explaining it (though I did by email until my ex went off), and that I'm on board. Should I talk to the principal? The school goes to 5th grade so we could be there another 5 years with the same staff.
I forwarded the email chain to one of my coworkers, an older lady whose daughter is 26. She said basically, "what the hell is wrong with your ex?" This lady isn't a pushover either and would have told me of she thought the principal was out of line.