Hi leenlou,
I clearly don't know your sister so I can't comment on her intent with that comment. But my first thought was do not respond to that comment, it feels like bait to engage in drama with you... .maybe that was the intent... .to trigger you. Even if that was not her intent that seems to be the result.
I would just let that comment lay there don't respond to it.
Your doing good work focusing on your boundaries that is really key for your own well being.
Do you feel truly threatened by your sister? If that is truly so then why put yourself in harms way? If someone else was threatening you would you spend time with them?
Safety needs to come first, but I think by bringing a "body guard" your husband, your brother or uncle you raise the level of drama and you jump on the Drama Triangle. It is possible that by bringing one of these men along you could appear threatening to her or at the very least she could feel ganged up on? Maybe there is another way around this, maybe you only meet her in public? Take her to lunch or go shopping... .somewhere there are other people around.
I like that you are thinking about your own safety but maybe the game plan can include some pre-planned boundaries too.
Some ideas... .
Make sure someone knows where you are when you are with your sister.
Spend time in public places have her meet you there (so you have your own transportation)
If the anger elevates to where you feel uncomfortable tell her you will leave if it continues (boundary)
If it continues leave (enforce the boundary)
When enforcing boundaries things can get worse (Extinction Burst) be for they get better but if you are consistent she should get the message.
I often use this analogy as a simple way to explain boundaries... .
A little kid asks mom for candy, mom says no... .kid pouts. Little kid asks mom again for some candy, mom says no... .kid whines. Little kid asks mom again for some candy, mom says no... .kid has a full on melt down screaming tantrum. What happens if mom gives in and gets the candy? That little kid has just learned that having a screaming tantrum will get them what they want. What happens if mom doesn't give in? The kid learns that no means no and he gives up.
Some links related to some of what I mentioned above... .
Karpman Drama Triangle:
https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=61684.0https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=167368.0Extinction Burst: (essentially the tantrum in my analogy)
https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=85479.0Take Care,