Hi Renogal,
I want to join Gagrl and say Welcome
I'm a stepmom too and actually discovered BPD by Googling "Chronic Lying". I started reading and the shoe fit so to speak. It is a bumpy ride when you share children with a BPD parent as it sounds like you already know. If you look around this site and read the stories it's amazing how similar our stories can be.
How old are your stepkids? What do you see as the biggest problem? What role does your husband play?
I can tell you that I arrived here one angry Panda (I can't believe it's been 5 years now!) my partner was separated from his undiagnosed BPD now ex-wife (uBPDxw), she was running a parental alienation campaign, the kids were spying on dad and reporting to mom, false allegations of abuse were made etc. I also often felt that my Partner didn't have any backbone when it came to his ex. As a couple we were great but there was a
storm churning all around us. I won't lie there were times I considered walking away. But I couldn't throw out the baby (my partner) with the bathwater (his drama filled family) so I stuck it out. Discovered BPD and made my way here.
I met my Partner 9 years ago part way through his 2 year separation/divorce his daughters were 10 and 15 at the time, they are now young ladies of 18 & 22. When we met D15 had been Parentified...she took care of her younger sister and her adult mother, she was enmeshed with her mother, and she was the "Golden Child". D10 was infantized (treated younger than she was), she was the scapegoat, and excluded from the relationship her sister and mom had. Mom was the puppet master in those days.
I'm glad you've found us and decided to jump in. There is understanding, support, information and tools to be had here. I hope you will find the group has helpful as I have, we have a great group of stepmoms...we have a special role and a complicated role to play in the families we have chosen to become a part of.