Thank you for replying - I can see that this site will be very helpful. I am considering counselling too. I just want to shake off the feeling that I should have known better. I feel foolish and vulnerable.
His therapist has an interview on YouTube in which she claims to have helped him to make a fundamental shift in his life - I doubt that somehow.
I realise that our friendship would only have caused me more pain in the future.
I wish you all the best with your journey - it is still very early days for you too.
This site and counseling has been a huge help to me. My counselor helped me identify my personal issues and the issues with the relationship I was in. She is getting me pointed back in the right direction. This forum put me in touch with people who've gone through similar issues, which has been so helpful to me. I no longer feel alone in my thoughts, and I don't sit around questioning my ex-gf's behavior and why she did what she did at the end of our relationship (and during the relationship, also). After spending over 3 months with the counselor and two months reading the forum, I learned that all of her behaviors are typical of people that have BPD. My biggest issue right now is loneliness and getting used to being single again, but that is getting a little better each day. It was also very hard to see her latch right on to someone else so quickly, however, I'm getting over that more and more each day. She's just repeating the same unhealthy behaviors, and this relationship won't be much different more than likely.
It's good to see that your conscious of the issues in the relationship with your friend and that keeping him in your life would have probably resulted in more heartache for you. I have a similar mindset towards my ex-g/f. Best of luck to you in the coming weeks. Take care of yourself and keep us updated on your progress.