:help:hi there my wife is very paranoid and very insercure and is constantly accusing me of things that are out of this world she is constantly kicking me out and i sleep rough in the car for sometimes upto 2 weeks she always goes to exstreme lenghts on me ie goinng to the police ,csa syaing she i cant hug you k,kiss you ,be with you . and i put paid to that what i done to her she hates what ive done to her ! i dont rise to her and i think fine if you dont want me what can i do .
then next thing saying im aselfish man im a absolute arsehole saying im really worried that i ve lost her and kids like asif she wanting me to beg her ! all i respond in tex is please i not arguing and i dont wantr to argue
then all i get back is dont worry there wont be any arguing and that ive proved how much i care !
ive begged and begged and begged but ive now no longer going to beg when i ve done nothing wrong
she tries to make me jealous she goes into rages ive never seen b4 and some how she maniplutes people
im really at my wits end and noone to turn to or talk to
Hello slipez, welcome to the fam.

Happy you found us, but sorry for the circumstances that have led to you having to seek us out.
With that out of the way...
I need you to first be kind to you. This is not your fault. However, something that has to change my friend...you are no one's doormat. You are giving her way too much power and control and losing yourself in the process.
Most importantly, you are responsible for your own happiness, how you feel, and your own behavior. Your wife is responsible for her own happiness, how she feels, and her own behavior. Do not fall prey to the mentality that it is your duty and responsibility to please her and make her happy...that is nonsense and categorically false.
You have to approach your situation with the mind set that it is better to be respected than to be liked. That doesn't mean you have to be an

$$hole though. No, what it does mean though is that you have to get more comfortable setting boundaries and sticking to them. To help with that process practice the principles of being firm and indifferent.
When you are firm that means you when you say enough is enough...that means it is time to draw your line in the sand and if that boundary is violated you take your next steps accordingly. Do not make idle or veiled threats or ultimatums though. No, you must be willing to follow through with action.
Now this last part and it is definitely going to take you some time to adopt and adapt to it...outcome independence. What does this mean? Ultimately, you are only in control of YOU and how YOU respond. You let go of the notion that you can change your wife's behavior or that you have any control over what she does. You may have outcomes that you prefer with your wife, but what you need to do is let go of the emotion attached to any given outcome. In essence, practice being okay with everything whichever way it goes. All you can do is put yourself in positive positions to provide yourself with positive opportunities and let the universe handle the rest.
Now I have thrown a bit at you so I want to give you some time to digest it. If you have questions please feel free to fire away. I will be following along and paying attention.
In the meantime please be kind to you and take care of yourself.
Cheers and best wishes!