Welcome back to BPD Family.

The SWOE book is an excellent place to start to understand your pwBPD and has some pretty good, but basic tools for managing a relationship.
Couple's therapy is normally a blame fest and doesn't work well, unless you have an ultra-rare therapist who is familiar with "The High-Conflict Couple: Dialectical Behavior Therapy Guide to Finding Peace, Intimacy" by Alan E. Fruzzetti which is the only one that I am familiar with that specifically addresses intimate relationships with borderlines and other cluster-B personalities.
Some good books for her are "I Hate You-- Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality" and "Sometimes I Act Crazy: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder" both books by Hal Straus and Jerold J. Kreisman
A good book for you, don't share this with her, as it has some pretty good psychological tools for managing your pwBPD is "Stop Caretaking the Borderline Or Narcissist: How to End the Drama and Get on with Life" by Margalis Fjelstad, a summary of what you can do can be found at Keep coming back, and ask questions. I listed books, as you haven't posted much here, and I wanted to help you as much as possible. There is also a good amount of information here that can help you out as well: It sounds like you are doing good self care right now, but if you aren't please do so, as you need your energy for this relationship.
Take care.