Shame and implicit self-concept in women with borderline personality disorder (summary) Shame and implicit self-concept in women with borderline personality disorder (fulltext article pdf). Submitted by Sleeper 1
I hope this is the correct process for suggesting an article of interest. I have it in PDF.
Rusch, N., Kieb, K., Gottler, I., Hermann, C., Schramm, E., Richter, H., Jacob, G.A., Corrigan, P.W., & Bohus, M. (2007).
Shame and implicit self-concept in women with borderline personality disorder.
Am J Psychiatry, 164, 500-508.
I found this work interesting. The basic premise seem to be that people diagnosed with BPD score higher on scales measuring shame than those not diagnosed with BPD, and that this is a global aspect of self-concept that contributes to pronounced levels of anger and hostility seen in those with BPD. It also seems pretty readable.