I thought about you when I was in court for my hearing last month. There were two lawyers representing clients in a very similar situation to yours.
Of course, I was trying to figure out which lawyer was representing the person with the PD.
It's really hard to tell who is stonewalling, and who is trying to move on and get things done in a timely, efficient way, even when, like me, I suspect one of the parties to have a mental illness, and to purposefully be making things difficult. The judge basically asked a few questions, then said, "Have your client send the thing to the other person. Person A is trying to refinance and the market is bad, so it's understandable that this is taking longer than usual. But Person B, that is no excuse to not send documentation to Person A. Do that by Day, Date. "
That was basically it.
Not saying it was right, just that it can be really hard, even when looking for the trouble-maker, to see who it is in such a short period of time.
The good news is that it sounds like the judge is catching on. And that matters more than whether he shows preferential treatment. He was nice as a daisy to N/BPDx at first, and I was nervous. But then N/BPDx interrupted him a few times, and judge ate him for dinner.
Court is awful
So sorry you're still having to deal with this.