Wow, nowwhatz,
what a difficult moment! And perhaps in a way a milestone. I think you handled it very well.
Sending you a lot of strength for the next days!
Thank you very much Surnia.
Yes it was a difficult moment for me and her the guy. I could see he was angry or frustrated and I am sure he sensed my frustration. He took her back in last Feb to try to rekindle their marriage after years of separation, but it was never going to work.
The guy has spent so much $ on her. In some ways I admire him for his patience and generosity. Even though he cheated on her to break up the marriage I can imagine what he was going through being married to her.
The exgf somehow has concealed our r/s from him over the last 2 years... . he knew about our first go around with dating but nothing after and certainly not know. She was fearful this time that I would talk to him.
About a week ago the gf wanted to spend 2 nights at my house and said she was going to tell him the truth... . that she was seeing me but she did not tell him... . only that she was seeing somebody... . saying it was none of his business. I think that may have been the catalyst for me to end it. She spent 1 night at my house and was acting weird so I took her home the next morning early. That was probably the true end of this recycle.
The other night when the gf melted down saying she felt homeless blah blah I called bs on her and she admitted the soon to be ex husband will help her get an apt after she gets a job etc.
I have not heard from her since Thursday and know the drill. It is a little different this time because she is now back on her meds and at the end of the month she goes to court and will plead guilty to felony charges... . changes everything.
If she does not go to jail or get deported she will have little chance of getting any decent job here in the usa and I don't think too many guys want to date a woman who is a convicted felon so she may be calling me sooner rather than later.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.