ziniztar than you for your reply.
Please bare in mind: attachment issues = (physical) intimacy issues. People that are overly attached and are eager to bond, will use physical intimacy (unconsciously) as a way to get that bond if they're not getting in another way. They are more likely to engage in physical intimacy just to feel more intimate on an emotional level. I am one of those people.
My T explained that no matter how recovered, pwBPD will always keep a safe (emotional) distance as they will never reach the level of trust and feelings of safety we can.
I am a bit confused. Your therapist was talking about pshysical intimacy or an emotional intimacy?
I think I need to answer myself two questions (if not more

1. if I consider myself healthy attached? - Thank you
ziniztar for that question. I think it is important indeed. I used to I am but now I am thinking I may be not and maybe that is way I let myself being manipulated. I gave a lot of thinking on how not to let myself fall for things like that again because it is obviousle not good for me nor to her becuase it is strengthning her BPD and is not good for her recovery I guess.
I came to the conclusion I need a therapy too.
2. If I am ready to accept that my gf will never reach the emonotionally closenest as I would love her to? And I think that is something to work on at my own therapy too. To answer what I need from my partner to feel ok in a relationship. And if it is something I really need or just think I need because our culture made me think it is necessary in every relationship. Or maybe I need something from another person because I got some problems with myself, I am thinking about things like low self esteem or something. I guess I need to answer myself if all these things I think I need are really what I need from another person or maybe what I actually get from my gf is enough for me of a relationship to consider it good for me. (Well, right now I can not accept our problems with sex).
But, the bottom line is, I think I need to be strong to let my gf make the decision if she think she is able to work on her intimacy issues. If not, I need to accept this and just leave, and I would like to start my own therapy before finding someone new. If she says yes, I still should be carefull

, start my own therapy and work with my gf to see if we could meet at a point where she would be ok with our intimacy and I would be ok with it. I don't know yet how to do that but I am sure there are ways... .
That is what I am thinking now... .I am trying to keep telling myself: "It may be a lost cause and you need to accept it". But it is so hard, because I consider my relationship rather satysfying (not easy one and probably I would get an easier relation with someone else) with that one problem which is I want sex that comes just natural and is not predated by the threat of breaking up or my asking for sex... .