So I wait, I do some work at home, walk the dog and pray for better times
Can you get a little more specific in those prayers? What would "better times" mean for you? Can you identify even three or four concrete things that would make for better times?
Especially any of them that you can make happen without depending on somebody else to do something.
Grey Kitty;
Praying for better times;
- Coming home and have a soulmate
- Feeling home and not haunted by flashbacks and memories
- Praying that time will heal this wound so I am able to write down the right answers wich I just cannot give at this moment
- But sorry... .I can't think of other things, i really pray for her return and be able to work it out, I just love her.
Leaving me without any warning after a hug in the morning. Not one reply or one explanation, I emailed in May last year and I waited until october for another one. Since then i didnt email at all anymore. So even after not emailing for months. I hear nothing! My biggest wish is that the pain from this ongoing torture, the no closure will go away.
It's a year now on feb 6th, Feb 2th is our marriage date. I hope it will trigger something.