Hello, Honey15 &

I'm so sorry that you are having troubles with your daughter; every parent on this site can certainly understand what you are going through
She actually lives with you? Has she ever been married? Does she have any children? Do you have other children? Since she has been diagnosed, does she see a Therapist? Does she acknowledge that she has a problem, and is she willing to get help for it?
It's really hard to deal with our BPD loved ones, because they look at things differently than we do--they tend to feel things deeply and then believe that their feelings are the facts of any situation. When we don't understand why they feel the way they do, it can really knock us for a loop! And then we either respond to them in ways that push every one of their buttons, or keep quiet in a stunned silence, afraid to say anything at all... .It's really stressful and difficult and painful at times.
Have you had the chance to check out the
links to the right-hand side of this page? The
THE LESSONS can help you understand how your daughter's mind works, and learn how to communicate with her in ways that make things better. I've found the information there to be life-changing for me in dealing with my adult (38) son who was diagnosed with BPD two years ago, and also my other loved ones with BPD.
Please tell us more of your story, and let us know just what you are dealing with, Honey15... .And read all you can to get a handle on what your situation is. We are here for you, and want to help