Comment she make to that same friend was "now he knows we are together he's going to want me more. So prob going to have to go via a contact centre to see his son "
My ex said very similar things to me towards the end. Just honestly: really bloated comments that were degrading to me but really just made me see her as totally out of touch with reality, and not a good person, or someone I would ever want to really spend a lifetime with.
She said things during fights; towards the end like "you're just obsessed with me because you know you'll never find anyone as pretty as me".
After she cheated, and discarded me she said "I know that you'll be ok, and I know you'll come back to me".
Talk about ego, or a mask of strong ego, inflated self worth, statements to say.
I've been in 2 other relationships (major) and dated a lot of very nice, pretty girls. I don't remember ever saying anything like this, nor have I ever had anything like this said to me... ."You'll come back to me you'll see".
Just a little, um, crazy.