This stuff is
so stressful. I really get it; we've lived through it, too.
I'm currently navigating the process of finalizing a divorce after a marriage to an UBPDw that began almost 10 years ago. My ex and I share a 5yo son, and are working toward a co-parenting plan with joint custody using a 2-2-3 schedule. We do not have a court order in place, this was just mutually agreed upon and has been working for the better part of this year.
Is the date that the divorce will be finalized coming up soon?
Have you been documenting (handwritten journal, google doc, fridge calendar, etc) the times S5 was with each parent?
Is the mutual agreement "on paper" somewhere (email, text, etc)?
We have been living apart for nearly a year and things have generally been calm beyond the occasional flair up from her that eventually fizzles out. It is clear she is still carrying a lot of hurt and abandonment from me ending our marriage.
Now for where I need some help. I want to emphasize that I already have legal council, the help I am seeking is more how best to respond to her in order to try and de-escalate the situation. In the past ignoring her causes her to ramp up as opposed to fizzle out.
What were the "flare ups" from her -- angry texts, angry emails, blame, threats about S5, in person arguments...? Am I tracking with you that you didn't engage with those flare ups, and they died out on their own? Or that you engaged with them somehow, and that seemed to contribute to them dying out?
She is now threatening to not let my son come back to me. Again I am leveraging a lawyer to help navigate the implications of this.
The last few days she sends me a flurry of text messages around how I'm a liar, a bad person, untrustworthy, and a litany of other insults. She caught wind that I have been dating and is now enraged. Accusing me of breaking boundaries and it's clear she is prodding our son for any information she can get about what I'm doing in my spare time. She also is drawing conclusions about his behavior that are totally one sided and devoid of any understanding of what might actually be happening, just automatically blaming me for everything.
Is S5 with her for a longer stretch of time as part of winter break, or are you still on the 2-2-3 schedule?
When is he scheduled to return to you (i.e. later today, next week...)? Are you supposed to go there and pick him up, or is she supposed to drop him off with you, or something else?
Overall, I am compelled to respond to her and at the same time I know nothing will be heard or understood. In the past the ONLY way to appease her is to beg for forgiveness and say she is right about everything. She calls it accountability, and in reality it is control and self riotous form of justice.
Finally she is looping in other people in her circle in a way that is turning them against me as I have no avenue to correct the wild accusations.
What is it that you feel compelled to say?
Do you think she will rope others in in such a way that they would
actually and
physically impede your access to S5? Or is she roping them in in terms of smearing you to them, but not to the level of prodding them to act to impede your time with S5?
Can anyone help advise me on ignoring v.s. engaging?
Is this just a lost cause and I must simply go the legal route until we have a legal agreement in place?
Has anyone been in a similar situation that could tell me their experience and how it played out?
Is there any parenting content in the texts -- i.e., even if 95% of it is "you're a horrible person, you've abandoned me and S5, you're not his real family" etc, is there anything about logistics?
Even if not, you can choose to respond by saying something like "I'll be by on the 3rd at 5pm to pick him up, like we chatted about last week. Thanks; Bara"
I wouldn't engage with any dysregulated content. I would only engage with topical content (about S5 logistics), or initiate engagement about logistics. Otherwise I'd lean towards No. What does your L say?
At this point I'm actually in so much fear and anxiety that I'm afraid she will somehow see this post and get even more angry.
Unless you are using real names or a screen name that she knows, or you've told her about the site, or you're sharing devices and you leave tabs open, she won't find you here. The fraction of a percent of members that are "found out" are found because of using a duplicate screen name from other social media, using their real names, or actually telling the pwBPD "hey check this out". If you're not doing that stuff you're fine.
Been here almost 10 years with some really weird one of a kind situations, and have never been found. And believe me, I would
know right away if she found me here.