I have been having shall we say extremely flirtatious texts with a new woman I have met.
It is so reminiscent of meeting my exBPDGF. The red flags are everywhere. She is extremely sexual (too much TBH), she has battles with her eldest daughter,
she'll stop at nothing trying to get me to go back to my house... .(I haven't BTW), she's been off work ill for 2 weeks, she says she just wants to be mates, but I can see right through it. She wants more than that. And she is not the kind of woman that I can have a healthy relationship with.
She then sends obscene texts and in 3 texts time will say "I am really a quiet and shy person". TBF I have encouraged it and engaged with the texts, but I needed to end it before it got out of hand. I sent her a message last night after she asked if we were still meeting on Sunday, saying;
Hey. Ok so I think we shouldn't. Things are just moving a little too fast... .I'm no where near ready for owt (English (Yorkshire) term meaning anything

) or complications. I know you said it would be just sex, but tbh I'm not bothered about that at the moment... .What I'm looking for is mates only... .It's been great flirting and being rude but I'm still not over my ex yet and because of that I don't seem to be interested in anyone or anything. It's just a process I'm going through... .It wouldn't be fair to lead you on. I hope you understand x
I think its because I don't need this kind of relationship now. I'm becoming more secure in myself. I don't want the craziness and a highly sexually charged person in my life now.
I have been talking to a very lovely woman (and been for a drink with her). She is completely lovely. She gives food to the homeless and is so selfless its untrue. But there is no spark for me. Typical eh ?
I do think though that Im still at the beginning of my recovery phase, so no woman is really going to give me that spark yet I guess.
I think all I want is friendship, and to build myself back up after the last traumatic 2.5 years. I certainly don't want to be physical until I have feelings for the woman. When I first split up I thought I needed a replacement as I felt incredibly lonely, and I've been on a few dates, but I don't want a replacement in reality. I'm slowly rebuilding my life and I'm having lots of fun and discovering myself actually, probably, for the first time in my life. I think I mentioned this in another thread that being with a woman with BPD traits will actually change my life and who I am, for the better. I just want to see positives out of all the misery I went through... . And I'm starting to understand who I am. I'm a good guy but I never felt I was... .and was willing to put up with anything... . Weird!
That's not to say there aren't times when I don't miss my ex... . Its just as time goes on, my thoughts for her are less and less. And I know now that I cannot be in a relationship with someone who makes me feel bad about myself... . I did a good enough job of that myself!
So do you think you would be able to spot the red flags now?