;all;topicseenSo... .was clobbered with MBA work the last few days, so didn't get to post as much as I wanted.
I had a good session with my P.
The biggest "other" that I take away from this is that when my wife "judged" me to be Jesus and "judged" her back by labeling her speech "blashphemy". P made a big deal about it doesn't matter if what she said really was that or not.
Christian identity is obviously core to my wife, so anything (accurate or not) that "attacks" that identity, especially that might point out she isn't a super Christian could bring a lot of shame to her.
Even though all of this might be accurate... .not helpful for household and long term stability.
Me fairly quickly disengaging and letting my wife burn out was good move.
Not engaging the following morning and letting the apology/justification run it's course was a good move also.
Few days later where I scheduled a talk for later ... good move as well.
So... .what I should have done was focused on the goal which was to get my wife to quit talking about me being Jesus... rather than properly labeling it.
"Hey... .could we quietly reflect for a minute about what's going on here... then talk privately?"
if she keeps blathering...
"I need to take a break to think this through... .I'll check back with you in 10 minutes."
Most likely if I would have done that, the outrage would have been less... .and she would have been less shamed.
Anyway... .P had some pointers for follow up conversations. Basically that I should own that judging her speech was "not my best"... and then let that sit with my wife for a while (try to end the conversation quickly... vice let it deteriorate)
Hopefully will get that done over the weekend.