This is a continuation of a previous thread: said you noticed red flags early on but lying really wasn’t one of them. What did you see?
When did things start to get bad? Was there a certain point you can remember or was it a slow drift?
Did she exhibit the classic bpd behaviors in the beginning? Love bombing, pushing the relationship forward quickly ect?
For me, it took awhile to notice the a few years into the relationship. I did however notice that she tended to exaggerate things and give really inaccurate information. It was over really benign situations though, so it wasn't really an issue.
Yes, I did notice the "love-bombing" and "pushing the relationship forward quickly" very early on. The other bad behavior that showed itself very early on is that she seemed to have issues with every single one of my close friends and family. They all seemed to have a bad taste in their mouth toward her and she very quickly sensed it and started talking badly about them. She was very cunning and manipulative about how she went about it though, so it was hard for me to see it at the time. I knew she was driving wedges into my other relationships, but I felt that she was just being supportive of me and cared about my well-being. I ended up doing quite a bit of damage control later on and have repaired all the relationships she tried to ruin. As you can imagine, all of my close friends and family don't particularly care for her and make no real effort to try to have any type of relationship with her anymore.
Another big issue I experienced really early on was intense jealousy and insecurity on her part. She seemed to be jealous of any sort of social interactions I had with anybody other than her or her close family members and that continues to be the case today. Ironically, as far as her family members go, she also tries to constantly make me look bad in front of them and doesn't like it when they seem to like and get along with me. She and I have had many fights over the years where she likes to inform me about how none of her friends or family actually like me. They're apparently just being polite around me. I know this isn't true. Other than her mom (who I'm still cordial with), I get along great with most of her family.
Another thing is the way she'd explode and completely lose control over really mundane things. I started tip-toeing and walking on eggshells very early on around her.
These are just some of the things. As most people here can probably relate, there are so many more things! On a side note, she was extra bad over the weekend and was starting lots of fights and conflict. She's currently angry because I plan to attend a parent-teacher conference today at our son's school. She didn't realize I was planning to go and she invited her mom (who remember lives over 2 hours away) to be part of it. She also told me that I'm "going to look really dumb" for showing up because nobody is expecting me to. I know that's not true. The reality is she probably has some sort of agenda she's planned to take control of the meeting (she always does) and that's why she's got her mom there for back up...and now suddenly I'm going to be there. I know it's eating her up. Of course, if I didn't go, she'd then go telling people how involved I am in our son's life.