They have not gone so well because I have just provided her information rather than attempting to explain that information. She is not at all comfortable with finances, BUT, she has had over 4 years knowing this was the likely end zone of her choices and as such I think it is reasonable to expect for her to have gotten up to speed on the basics of our pretty basic financial position and what needs to be done.
After all the emotional drama and planning of the past 5+ years, my h realized about a month ago that he could transfer an appropriate amount of financial support to me without anyone telling him to do it or forcing him. He hates finances, too.
The story that he was telling himself and others was that I was 'persecuting' him and making life so horrible for him. But all his solutions to the financial issues were more drama-filled, so I said they wouldn't work for me.
I would be very reluctant to say that either of you are responsible for the children during the other parent's time. I think of it as each parent has their own time as "parent-in-charge" and primary decision maker for what happens during that time with the children. Each of you have work obligations that happen during your parenting time and you each need to manage those yourselves.