I've only seen one of my far-too-many pwBPDs at that age - and the one thing that stands out for me is how much she absolutely loved restaurants even though she rarely spoke about it. Could bribe her to anything if it ended in "and the guy at work gave me a $50 Taco Bell gift card and I thought you and I could go see if it's possible to order that much TB food and take it to the park and eat it, haha". Suddenly, game to talk about boyfriends, suicide attempts, future plans, going back to school, quitting drugs...because there was $50 of Taco Bell, or a "Drive your sister to her ball game and then pick up the order at Cabela's and then I'll meet you at the Chinese buffet for an early dinner and drop you back at that other place?", etc.
May not work, but passing on one of the very few secrets that worked,
It shocks me that stomach pumping and such isn't handled...a little more roughly than necessary, to dissuade people from such attention-seeking behavior.